Unbridled Calling : A Biography of Alberto Gerchunoff /
How can a child born in the Russian Pale at the end of the 19th century become one of the most celebrated journalists in Latin America and a writer admired by Jorge Luis Borges? In this biography, Mónica Szurmuk, delves into the different aspects of the life of writer, journalist, and politician Alb...
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Jewish Latin America ;
Social Sciences E-Books Online, Collection 2025.
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Call Number: PQ7797.G4
- Acknowledgements
- List of Figures
- Prologue
- 1 From the Pale of Settlement to Argentina 1884-1891
- 1 Beginning and End
- 2 Birth
- 3 Emigrating
- 4 The Journey
- 5 Moisés Ville
- 6 Orphanhood
- 7 End and Beginning
- 2 Between Worlds 1892-1902
- 1 On the Road
- 2 The School
- 3 Little Translators
- 4 The Proletarian Boy
- 5 Fin de siècle
- 6 Love
- 3 In the Cultural World of Buenos Aires 1903-1910
- 1 Routes
- 2 The Generation of Ideas
- 3 Marriage
- 4 The Jewish Gauchos
- 1 Celebrating the Work
- 2 Los gauchos judíos
- 3 Don Quixote in the Argentinean Countryside
- 4 First Readers
- 5 Searching for a Place 1910-1913
- 1 Touching the Sky
- 2 Tucumán in 1910
- 3 Buenos Aires Interlude
- 4 On Families and Orphans
- 6 Traveling with the Family 1913-1914
- 1 Escape
- 2 Back to Germany
- 3 Paris
- 4 With Marcel Proust in Paris
- 5 South Americans in Paris
- 6 Spain
- 7 With Valle Inclán in Toledo
- 8 Back Home
- 7 The War Years 1914-1919
- 1 Back Home
- 2 The War Years
- 3 Teaching
- 4 Politics
- 5 Russia Once Again
- 6 The End of the War
- 7 Political Arguments
- 8 Gerchunoff's Silence
- 8 A Happy Country 1920-1924
- 1 Turning Forty
- 2 La Nación Again
- 3 The Passing of Time
- 4 Trop meublé
- 5 Return of the Teacher
- 6 Antisemitism, déjà-vu
- 7 The Hebraica
- 8 Pre-Christian Christianity
- 9 Cervantes, Once Again
- 10 Prizes and Prize-Winners
- 11 A Happy Country?
- 9 The Season of Singing Has Come 1925-1927
- 1 Fast Motion
- 2 Assembly in the Attic
- 3 Love Stories
- 4 Pequeñas prosas
- 5 The Man Who Spoke at the Sorbonne
- 6 Abraham in Buenos Aires
- 7 The Traveler's Nostalgia
- 8 Awards
- 10 El Mundo
- 1 A Newspaper of His Own
- 11 Heinrich Heine in Buenos Aires 1927
- 1 Festivities in the Hebraica
- 2 "Enrique Heine." El poeta de nuestra intimidad [The Poet of Our Intimacy]
- 3 The Painful Lot of Being Human and Jewish
- 4 Charming Volatility
- 5 Curtain Down
- 12 Goodbyes and New Meetings 1928-1931
- 1 Requiem
- 2 The United States on the Horizon
- 3 An Ethical Compass
- 4 The 1930s
- 5 Coups d'état
- 6 European Rapsody
- 13 The Writer is a Shofar 1932-1935
- 1 The Natural Hat of the Innate Writer
- 2 Baruj Spinoza and Love
- 3 Allegro
- 4 Emissary
- 5 Academies
- 6 Nostalgia for the Ghetto
- 14 Just the Right Word 1936-1939
- 1 Pen Club
- 2 On the Ship Alsina, en Route to PEN
- 3 Men Like Those Who Are Fighting in Spain
- 4 The Jewish Gauchos of the 1930s
- 5 Adagio
- 6 The Clinic of Doctor Mephistopheles
- 7 Travels and Losses: Ritornello
- 8 Winter in Mendoza
- 9 Chiaroscuro
- 15 The World on Edge, a Country on Edge 1940-1945
- 1 Home
- 2 From This Biblical Land ...
- 3 Interlude with Pipe and Wine
- 4 The World on Edge
- 5 The Writer's Mission Is to Fight for Liberty
- 6 A Country on Edge
- 7 That Decisive Alberto
- 8 The End of the War
- 9 The Nazi Crematorium in the Cinemas of Buenos Aires
- 16 Herald of a People with a Will for Geography 1945-1950
- 1 A Civilian Soldier of Liberty
- 2 With a Strong Arm ...
- 3 Choosing a Place to Live Is Also Choosing a Place to Die
- Epilogue
- Images
- Bibliography
- Index.