Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute, Volume 12 (1979-82) /
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute ;
Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity - Book Archive pre-2000.
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Call Number: BS410
- Front Matter
- Preliminary Material /
- Editor: Göran Larsson
- Preface by the Editor /
- Göran Larsson
- Annual Reports of the Swedish Theological Institute (STI) 1979-1982 /
- Editor: Göran Larsson
- Hans Kosmala /
- Gösta Lindeskog
- Privathäuser als Versammlungsstätten von Meister und Jüngern /
- Haim M. I. Gevaryahu
- The Portrayal of Characters in Midrash Ruth Rabbah /
- Tryggve Kronholm
- Johannes der Täufer /
- Gösta Lindeskog
- Der Rettungsappell in Ag 2, 40 /
- Evald Lövestam
- The Antiquity of the Oral Law /
- Hugo (Haim Dov) Mantel
- A Shī'ī-Sunnī Debate on Discursive Reasoning /
- Ronald L. Nettler
- The Spoils of Egypt /
- Yehuda T. Radday
- Der Tod des Judas Iskariot Nach Ag 1, 15ff. /
- Harald Sahlin.