Acta Orientalia Neerlandica : Proceedings of the Congress of the Dutch Oriental Society Held in Leiden on the Occasion of its 50th Anniversary, 8th-9th May 1970 /
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Asian Studies - Book Archive pre-2000.
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Call Number: DS1.5
- Front Matter
- Preliminary Material /
- Editor: P. W. Pestman
- Opening Speech /
- G. W. J. Drewes
- The Orient Reflected our Views on the East Throughout the Ages /
- P. H. Pott
- Some Literary Aspects of Coffin Texts Spell 38 /
- Tj. Bruinsma
- Dionysios, Son of Kephalas a Bilingual Family Archive from Ptolemaic Egypt /
- P. W. Pestman
- Der Kontext der Wandmalereien von Abdallah Nirqi Perspektiven und Fragen /
- P. P. V. van Moorsel
- Divination et vie Quotidienne au Début du Deuxième Millénaire Av. J.-C. /
- J. Nougayrol
- The Hittite Computer Analysis Project /
- Ph. H. J. Houwink ten Cate
- L'édition des Manuscrits de la Grotte XI de Qumrân par L'académie Royale des Sciences des Pays-Bas /
- J. P. M. van der Ploeg
- Le Commentaire de Denis Bar Ṣalibi sur la Genèse /
- J. C. J. Sanders
- Psychology as Apprehended and Applied by Shâh Walî Allâh Dihlawî /
- J. M. S. Baljon
- The Study of Arabic Grammar in Indonesia /
- G. W. J. Drewes
- "I Suspect that My Friend Abdu (...) was in Reality an Agnostic" /
- J. J. G. Jansen
- Islam in Mombasa /
- J. Knappert
- The Study of the Development of the Islamic Sects /
- W. Montgomery Watt
- Some Critical Remarks on Modern Indian Historians /
- Jenny L. de Bruyne
- Ravīndranātha Ṭhākur and the Hindi Literature /
- P. Gaeffke
- KauṬalya and the Ancient Indian State /
- J. C. Heesterman
- Evaluation of Work in India /
- D. J. Hoens
- The Rock-Reliefs at IsurumuṆi /
- J. E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw
- Vedisch Aghnyā- und die Wasser /
- Johanna Narten
- The Influence of the SaṂgītaśástra on the Rāgamāla Miniatures /
- Emmie te Nijenhuis
- Research in Indonesia by Dutch Scholars /
- Harsja W. Bachtiar
- Religion as a Subject of Inquiry in Present-Day Indonesia /
- B. J. Boland
- The Study of Indonesian Archaeology and Ancient History /
- P. J. Worsley
- Research on Adat-Law in Indonesia /
- G. van den Steenhoven
- Some Remarks on Human Figures in Chinese Paintings /
- Gan Tjiang Tek
- The Tz'u in Chinese Literature /
- D. R. Jonker
- Mongols under Manchu Rule /
- C. Schepel
- The First Anti-Christian Movement in China /
- E. Zürcher
- Der Interpersonale Bezug im Koreanischen /
- B. Lewin
- The Rôle of Women in Tokugawa Classicism /
- F. Vos
- Jhr. J. L. C. Pompe van Meerdervoort in Japan and Holland /
- A. Schouten.