Bāyazīd: The Life and Teachings of the Mystic Abū Yazīd al-Basṭāmī (d. ca. 234/848) : Based on the Earliest Sources /
Abū Yazīd al-Basṭāmī (d. ca 234/848), popularly known as "Bāyazīd", remains one of the most celebrated yet controversial figures in the history of Islamic mysticism. This in-depth study of his life and teachings is based on the earliest available sources. The book sets out in detail what i...
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Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2024.
Studies on Sufism ;
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Call Number: BP172
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Notes on Transliteration
- Introduction
- Part1 Bāyazīd's Life and His Speech
- 1 Bāyazīd's Life and his Teachers
- 1 Family Background in Basṭām
- 2 Bāyazīd's Education and his Teachers
- 3 Bāyazīd as Spiritual Master in Basṭām: Veneration and Censure
- 2 Bāyazīd's Disciples and Associates
- 1 Bāyazīd's Close Disciples
- 2 Other Associates of Bāyazīd
- 3 The Question of Bāyazīd's Dates
- 4 The Speech of Bāyazīd
- 1 The Corpus of Bāyazīd's Sayings
- 2 Modes of Expression in the Speech of Bāyazīd
- Part2 The Teachings of Bāyazīd, Fundamentals
- 5 The Path and Its Pitfalls
- 1 Spiritual Psychology in Third-/Ninth-Century Mysticism
- 2 Bāyazīd's Understanding of the Make-Up of the Human Being
- 3 Pitfalls of the Path
- 6 On Some Pillars and Tenets of Islam
- 1 Observing the Obligatory Practices
- 2 The Hajj
- 3 Messengers of God and the Prophet
- 4 Paradise and Hell
- 7 What Bāyazīd Says about God
- 1 God, His Names and Attributes
- 2 Divine Transcendence and Inaccessibility
- 3 Intimacy
- 4 Awareness of God versus Heedlessness
- 5 Nothing but Him
- Part3 Further Dimensions of the Spiritual Path
- 8 Spiritual Virtues, States, and Stations
- 1 Poverty
- 2 Submission to the Divine Will
- 3 Complete Trust in God
- 4 Humility versus Arrogance
- 5 Mindfulness of God ( taqwā ) and Veracity ( ṣidq )
- 6 Annihilation ( fanāʾ ) and Subsistence ( baqāʾ )
- 7 Unification ( jamʿ ) and Separation ( tafriqa )
- 9 Knowledge and Love
- 1 Knowledge
- 2 Love
- 10 Absence and Presence, Veils and Mirrors
- 1 Absence ( ghayba ) and Presence ( ḥudūr )
- 2 Veils and Veiling
- 3 Mirrors
- Part4 Bāyazīd as Spiritual Master and in the Community
- 11 Bāyazīd as Spiritual Master
- 1 Bāyazīd's Homilies and Counsel to His Disciples
- 2 Explanation of the Path for Others
- 3 Female Disciples of Bāyazīd
- 12 Bāyazīd in the Wider Community
- 1 Different Paths among the Muslims
- 2 Bāyazīd under Censure: Challenges and Critiques
- 3 Critique and Corrective
- 4 Bāyazīd and his Zoroastrian Neighbours
- Part5 Bāyazīd's Autobiographical Accounts
- 13 Bāyazīd's Accounts of His Spiritual Journey
- 1 The Beginning of the Path and the Struggle with the Nafs
- 2 Becoming Free of Self
- 3 Descriptions of the Whole Journey
- 14 Spiritual Peregrination, Flight, and the Miʿrāj
- 15 The Longer Miʿrāj Narratives
- Part6 Controversy, Paradox, and Contradiction
- 16 Shaṭḥ , Paradox, and the Paradoxical
- 1 Definitions and Translations of the Shatḥ
- 2 Ecstatic Utterances of Bāyazīd
- 3 Paradoxes and the Paradoxical
- 4 A Few Other Controversial Sayings
- 17 Apparent Contradictions
- 1 Bāyazīd and "Miracles"
- 2 The Sense of Pride ( iftikhār ) versus the Acknowledgement of Neediness ( iftiqār )
- Part7 After Bāyazīd
- 18 The Impact and Influence of Bāyazīd on Islamic Mysticism
- 1 Early Responses to Bāyazid
- 2 Later Responses to the Shaṭḥiyyāt
- 3 Bāyazīd's Wider Corpus in Sufi Literature
- 4 Bāyazid among Love Mystics
- 5 ʿAṭṭār and Rūmī
- 6 Ibn ʿArabī
- 7 Influence versus Appropriation
- 8 Abū l-Ḥasan Kharaqānī
- 9 A Glimpse at Bāyazīd's Literary Influence
- Conclusion & Closing Remarks
- Bibliography
- Index of People and Places
- Index of Subjects and Terms.