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Pseudo-Shenoute on Christian behaviour /
"Attributed to Shenoute, the abbot of the White Monastery ... in the heading of M604 as well as in the Aragic version. But there are reasons for doubting the correctness of this attribution."
"The Coptic text here edited for the first time is contained in M604, a manuscript and translation in English; text in Coptic. :
2 volumes ; 26 cm.
Die katholischen Briefe in der koptischen (sahdischen) Version /
: "Wenn ich hier die Handschrift M 572 der Pierpont Morgan Library zu New York und den zu demselben Codex gehörenden Teil in Kairo, Koptisches Museum Nr. 3813, vorlege ..."--Vorwort. : 2 volumes : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Das Berliner "Koptische Buch" (P 20915) : eine wiederhergestellte frühchristlich-theologische Abhandlung /
Text of a previously unknown Christian theological treatise of the second to early third century.
Vol. 1 contains facsimiles of the fragments of the Coptic text, with transcriptions on facing pages; vol. 2 contains a German translation. :
2 volumes : facsimiles ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
904291453X (v. 1 : Peeters Leuven)
9042914548 (v. 2 : Peeters Leuven)
Another Athanasius : four Sahidic homilies attributed to Athanasius of Alexandria : two homilies on Michael the Archangel, the Homily on Luke 11:5-9 and the Homily on Pentecost /
"Many Coptic literary texts are circulated under the name of Athanasius of Alexandria, the Alexandrian Archbishop and Theologian (ca. 296/298-2 May 373). Although there are strong evidences that most of these texts are falsely attributed to him, they are of extreme importance for the study of Coptic Christianity. The four homilies, edited and translated in this two volumes book, present 'Another Athanasius' to those who knew the history of their pseudo-Author. The homilies present Athanasius as a close friend of Pachomius, the Archimandrite of Upper Egypt (ca. 292-348). A visit of Pachomius to Alexandria is described in details. One homily relates about Athanasius' escape to Upper Egypt. Another homily contains fanciful acts of the Nicene council. The last homily presents Athanasius as a preacher while giving a long talk on the Christian household. This corpus of texts reveals the mental image of Athanasius in the Coptic mentality through centuries after his death."--
"It is a matter of certainty that Athanasius did not write these homilies"--Edition volume, page xxx.
Revised version of the editor's thesis (doctoral--Universiteit Leiden, 2016). :
75 p. ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789042940116 :
0070-0428 ;