Disruption and Convergence : Generating New Conversations through Arts Research /
Conceptualized as a tool to expand creativity, questioning, and experimentation in arts research, Disruption and Convergences: Generating New Conversations through Arts Research offers timely narratives, musings, and descriptions of experimental and scholarly practice that ignite new creative considerations for graduate students and aspiring arts research practitioners. The book features a collection of practice-based research projects for which the experiential unfolding leads to unexpected outcomes. In its openness and generativity, this mode of questioning removes the need for conclusive findings. Prominent threads that emerged from the collection encompass collaboration and interconnectedness, disputed and shared spaces, and transformation through storytelling. Contributors to the book address ways of knowing that complicate familiar categories, learning with and listening to the fragile, the provisional, and heralding unthought futurity. Disruption and Convergences offers a scholarly and artistic exchange through dialogues between contributors and invites artful and multisensorial expressions, imaginative experimentations, poetic and critical propositions that carry the voices of creators at different stages in their research careers. This form of publication is itself an international symposium of sorts, and therefore an opportunity for readers to engage in wide-ranging approaches to making, writing, and arts thinking. Contributors are: Cathy Adams, Jelena Aleksic, Carolina Bergonzoni, Rébecca Bourgault, Rachel Epp Buller, Aurora Del Rio, Christine D'Onofrio, Hannah L. Drake, Emese Hall, Damali Ibrek, Rabeya Jalil, Estée Klar, Linda E. Kourkoulis, David LeRue, Stephanie Loveless, Katri Naukkarinen, Yolanda M. Manora, Rachel Payne, Patti Pente, Nicole Rallis, Roni Raviv, Catherine M. Roach, Catherine Rosamond, Myrtle Sodhi and Alex Wexler.
1 online resource (218 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Multiculturalism and Multilingualism in Education : Implications for Curriculum, Teacher Preparation and Pedagogical Practice /
Despite the superdiversity of an increasingly multicultural and multilingual world, policy and practice in education continues to deal with issues of inclusion and diversity in language education in rather tangential and peripheral ways. To address critical issues in multicultural and multilingual education, with implications for curriculum, teacher preparation and pedagogical practice, this volume brings together international perspectives on research, policy and pedagogical practice that help the global community gain new insights into ground-breaking work that addresses current questions, challenges and complexities in an education world of superdiversity.
1 online resource (250 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Of Emoji and Semioliteracy : Reading, Writing, and Texting in the Literacy Instruction Classroom /
In service to their unique demographic of learners, developmental reading and writing instructors must steadfastly teach basic literacy skills to a diverse student population with varying degrees of literacy proficiency. Even more dauntingly, educators are tasked with procuring andragogically-and-pedagogically appropriate teaching tools - those that meet the needs of the individual student while being accessible and relatable to this adult learner demographic. Of Emoji and Semioliteracy: Reading, Writing, and Texting in the Literacy Instruction Classroom proposes emoji as one such viable literacy and postsecondary writing teaching tool. Drawing from a mixed-methods study, this work chronicles a Texas community college integrated reading and writing project in which students attempt to demonstrate mastery of State-mandated literacy content areas using both traditional writing and emoji. By postulating emoji as a semioliteracy-based instructional tool, this work also explores emoji's wider implications on teaching reading and writing within the developmental, First-Year Writing, postsecondary, and literacy instruction classes across all levels and disciplines. Foreword by Marcel Danesi
1 online resource (176 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Young Migrants and Plurilingualism in Schools : A Comparative Study of Language Diversity within Education Systems in France and Aotearoa New Zealand /
In many parts of the world, there is a growing interest in how existing linguistic knowledge is involved in the acquisition of further languages; in particular how learning the language of schooling can be improved through inclusion of students' home languages. This theme gathers around it a rich international network of multilingual researchers interested in promoting the benefits of bilingual and plurilingual education, the recognition of linguistic and cultural diversity in schools, and strategies for supporting young migrants to succeed in schools. Young Migrants and Plurilingualism in Schools: A Comparative Study of Language Diversity within Education Systems in France and Aotearoa, New Zealand presents findings from the author's Ph.D. study carried out during 2017-2019 with young migrants and their teachers in France and New Zealand. These findings provide evidence for plurilingual learning spaces as improving student participation, interaction, sense of wellbeing and social cohesion-all elements of democratic coexistence in culturally and linguistically diverse societies.
1 online resource (366 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Shaping the World of Change : Higher Education as a Key Enabler /
This book sets out the theme of a world that is changing rapidly and higher education being an important agent in shaping that change through knowledge generation, transfer and innovation. The chapters in this book focus on this shaping role of higher education along a number of key areas: governance, sustainability, teaching and learning, student agency, quality and internationalization. From these different topics, this volume presents ways in which higher education helps dealing with and shaping the educational and societal changes that we are facing in the aftermath of the pandemic and challenges that we are expecting in the near future. Contributors are: Victor M. H. Borden, Bruno Broucker, Edel Cassar, Bárbara Coelho Gabriel, Cindy Cogswell, Julia Draghi, Brigitte Ecker, Pınar Eldemir, Klaus Feldmann, Cláudia Figueiredo, Anne Gannon, Jussi Kivistö, Manja Klemenčič, Theodor Leiber, Nandarani Maistry, Sara Moreno Pires, Takalani Muloiwa-Klenam, Darlington Mutakwa, Erna Nairz-Wirth, Ruaidhri Neavyn, Jessica Nooij, Mark O'Hara, Beate Pawle, Alexandra Polido, Maria Pöschl, Silke Preymann, Verena Régent, Lotte Scheeren, Kateryna Suprun, Robertt Valente, Floris J. N. van Berckel Smit, Annemieke van der Horst and Sabine Weiss.
1 online resource (251 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Empathetic Storytelling, Volume II : Sparking Transformation in Education /
In the Critical Storytelling series, this latest book elevates the voices of a myriad of authors, using empathetic storytelling to spark transformation in education. Stories connect us through the meaning we make, intricately woven in a diverse tapestry of shared experiences held together with the delicate thread of our humanity. Uncovering implicit biases and choices inherent in the two themes of belonging and identity, and caring and relationships, the editors offer concrete strategies for classroom teachers, professors, educational leaders, and policy makers to use storytelling to complement awareness and discourse with calls to action. Contributors are: Noor Ali, Eisa Al-Shamma, Carol Battle, Anne René Elsbree, Ana M. Hernández, Mark Hevert, Edward D. Kim, Viviane King-Adas, Amanda Moody Maestranzi, Lily Mittnight, Jaclyn Murawska, Sean Nank, Jackie Palmquist, Michael Palmquist, MJ Palmquist, Rania Saeb, Karen Toralba, Suzanne M. Van Steenbergen and Sarah Catherine Vaughan.
1 online resource (271 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Inclusive Educational Ethics, Facing the Facts /
This book takes the reader on a journey through different national contexts. Discover the unique challenges and strategies for inclusive education in countries such as Romania, Poland, Guadeloupe and Canada. Explore the need for independent living skills for institutionalised children in Romania, the paradoxes of educational inclusion for Ukrainian refugees in Poland, and the impact of teacher communication styles on student motivation in Guadeloupe. The negotiation of teacher education policy and standards in Canada is also on the agenda. For anyone with a passion for inclusive education, this book is a treasure trove of information. Contributors are: Laura Agrati, Daniela Roxana Andron, Stephanie Arnott, Dorota Bazuń, Maria Chatzi, Cheryl J. Craig, Stella Danou, Marie-Christine Deyrich, Amen Dhahri, Panagiota Diamanti, Heidi Flavian, Joanna Frątczak-Müller, Becca Friesen, Robert Grant, Josh Gray, Elisabeth Issaieva, Axelle James, Stavroula Kaldi, Adam Kaszuba, Ștefania Kifor, Magdalena Kohout-Diaz, Mariusz Kwiatkowski, Pascal Legrain, Mimi Masson, Anna Mielczarek-Żejmo, Patricia-Gabriela Mociar, Fernando Naiditch, Carrie Nepstad, Frances Rust, Sophie Sanchez-Larréa, Fiona Smythe, Martin Strouhal, Vassiliki Tzika, Aikaterini Vassiou, Efstathios Xafakos and Diane Yendol-Hoppey.
1 online resource (292 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning for Mathematical Literacy /
Mathematics plays an important role in today's world and is used in daily life more that often is appreciated. Mathematical literacy denotes the competence to deal with the mathematical issues of life in modern society. The underlying purpose of this book is to support the development of rich understandings and practices of how an education for mathematical literacy can be realised. The collected works, emerging from several educational systems, offer a fresh perspective on mathematical literacy and the chapters include practical examples that teachers, pre-service teachers, and teacher educators might adapt to their own needs.
1 online resource (215 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Education in Greek and Roman antiquity /
This volume examines the idea of ancient education in a series of essays which span the archaic period to late antiquity. It calls into question the idea that education in antiquity is a disinterested process, arguing that teaching and learning were activities that occurred in the context of society. Education in Greek and Roman Antiquity brings together the scholarship of fourteen classicists who from their distinctive perspectives pluralize our understanding of what it meant to teach and learn in antiquity. These scholars together show that ancient education was a process of socialization that occurred through a variety of discourses and activities including poetry, rhetoric, law, philosophy, art and religion.
1 online resource (xi, 477 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 459-472) and index. :
9789047400134 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The 'Problem' of Girls' Education in Postcolonial Pakistan : A Study of Postcolonial Islamic Governmentalities in Rural Balochistan /
The book charts a comprehensive account of girls' education in postcolonial Pakistan, and argues that the problem of girls' education in rural areas needs to be situated in the construction of knowledge, the practice of power relations, and the contested processes of truth production. Drawing on theories of Foucault's governmentality, postcolonialism and feminism, the author explores the context of Pakistan as a postcolonial Islamic nation-state, examines the British colonial legacies of governing institutions, discourses of gender and education, and development of girls' education policy and practices. The book contributes to the development of the analytical framework of postcolonial Islamic governmentality and uses the framework to analyse the research data, and education policy texts and discourses. See Less
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Reaching for the sky : religious education from Christian and Islamic perspectives /
Young people have to make their own way in the world; they have to give meaning to and find meaning in their lives. This is the field of religious education, which is provided by parents, religious leaders, or teachers of religion and worldviews. One of the most important challenges is to educate children in their own religion, emphasizing that religion's tolerant and peaceful side and to teach children about the beliefs of other traditions. An even more important challenge is to teach them to live together in peace and justice. This volume deals with religious education in Christianity and Islam in specific countries. Scholars in religious education need to know more about the ways in which Muslims and Christians perceive and practice their respective forms of religious education and explore methods that help young people develop their religious identity in accordance with their tradition-and also meet with comrades from other traditions, as the two young Gambian and Dutch women shown on the cover do. This volume explores the field of Christian and Islamic education. Muslim and Christian scholars from Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Indonesia, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands describe various aspects of religious education at school, at home, in the mosque and church, via the media and in peer groups. The papers were presented and discussed at an authors' conference at VU University Amsterdam, organized in close collaboration between the staff of its Centre of Islamic Theology and other scholars in religious education, and the Islamic Universities League in Cairo. The authors describe actual processes of education, reflect on religious identity formation and respect for other people and the influences from home, school, mosque, and church, the media and "the street."
1 online resource (281 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789401207584 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Inventing Origins? Aetiological Thinking in Greek and Roman Antiquity /
Aetiologies seem to gratify the human desire to understand the origin of a phenomenon. However, as this book demonstrates, aetiologies do not exclusively explore origins. Rather, in inventing origin stories they authorise the present and try to shape the future. This book explores aetiology as a tool for thinking, and draws attention to the paradoxical structure of origin stories. Aetiologies reduce complex ambivalence and plurality to plainly causal and temporal relations, but at the same time, by casting an anchor into the past, they open doors to progress and innovation.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Incarceration and Health Care : A Visual Journey through the Lens of Activist Art /
There is a lack of control that exists when managing a chronic illness, just as there is a lack of autonomy when one finds themselves living within the confines of a correctional facility. How does one address these two precarious circumstances when they collide? Research has revealed that incarcerated populations have a higher rate of infectious disease and chronic health issues than their non-incarcerated counterparts. How is this reality translated in a way that others might understand? As an avenue to gain a new perspective, this book provides a glimpse into the world of incarceration and health care management, using art to translate this experience. Activist art is effective and powerful for both the audience and the creator. By revealing the reality of living with a chronic illness and how social determinants of health significantly impact one's status and start in life, art holds the power to shift perspectives and deepen understandings not only of health care and incarceration but also to agitate for societal changes.
1 online resource (164 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Empathetic Storytelling, Volume I /
In the Critical Storytelling series, this latest book elevates the voices of a myriad of authors using empathetic storytelling to ignite change in education. Stories connect us through the meaning we make, intricately woven in a diverse tapestry of shared experiences held together with the delicate thread of our humanity. Uncovering implicit biases and choices inherent in the two themes of all -isms (including racism, sexism, and ableism) and bullying, the editors offer concrete strategies for classroom teachers, professors, educational leaders, and policy makers to use storytelling to complement awareness and discourse with calls to action. Contributors are: Katey Arrington, Liza Bondurant, Reginald E. Duncan, Emma Funderburk, Tamun Hanjra, Carlos LópezLeiva, Jaclyn Murawska, Sean Nank, Keiran Nank, Leigh-Anne Peper, Nikki Pitcher, Gayle Richardson and Michael D. Steele.
1 online resource (319 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Handbook of Research in Online Learning : Insights and Advances /
As we navigate post-pandemic educational recovery and future-oriented design, the Handbook of Research in Online Learning: Insights and Advances emerges as a scholarly authority to illuminate existing questions and catalyze conversations on imperative transformations in education. Tailored for researchers, designers, educators, administrators, and stakeholders, this handbook delves into the nuanced landscape of online learning. Curated by leading experts, each chapter provides a deep exploration of critical online teaching and learning dimensions. Whether you're navigating the complexities of instructional design, exploring the impact of digital learning on diverse student populations, or delving into the transformative potential of AI, each chapter illuminates critical aspects of online education. It merges current significant works with unpublished manuscripts, embodying the interdisciplinary essence of online learning research. Grounded in diverse theoretical frameworks and research methods, it offers theoretical insights and actionable guidance for cutting-edge educational methodologies. This handbook is not just a compendium; it's an indispensable guide for shaping the future of education. Contributors are: Michael Ahlf, Stephen Allen, Tonya Amankwatia, Fatih Ari, Ismahan Arslan-Ari, Michael K. Barbour, Gail Alleyne Bayne, Karen Bellnier, M. Aaron Bond, Victoria Brown, George Bradford, William Cain, Sumie Chan, Lauren Cifuentes, Laura DaVinci, Gina Deckard, Shernette Dunn, Anne Fensie, Holly Fiock, Sara Flowers, Carla Karen Fortune, Theodore Frick, Michael M. Grant, Alexis Guethler, Dan He, Atsusi "2c" Hirumi, Charles B. Hodges, Stephanie Hostetter, Michael Houdyshell, Fethi A. Inan, Frank Jamison, Amir Kalan, Meryl Krieger, Jessica Lantz, Mary Lefaiver, Juhong Christie Liu, Noble Lo, Barbara Lockee, Fatemeh Marzban, Trey Martindale, Sara McNeil, Laura McNeill, Stephanie Moore, Martha Lorena Obermeier, Larisa Olesova, Jennifer Jihae Park, Sanghoon Park, Yujin Park, AnthTony Pina, Drew Polly, Yingxiao Qian, Thomas Reeves, Christiane Reilly, Jennifer Richardson, Aubrey Rogowski, Leanne Rutherford, Kay Seo, Sanga Song, Edwin Teye Sosi, Stefan Stenbom, Sharon Stidham, David Tai, Hengtao Tang, Torrey Trust, Shannon Tucker, Denis Unal, Lucas Vasconcelos, Charles Xiaoxue Wang, Florence Williams, Ying Xie and Fan Xu.
1 online resource (672 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :