Philosophy in early Safavid Iran Najm al-Dīn Mah
Muslim philosophical activities on the cusp of the Safavid era (i.e., late 9th/15th and early 10th/16th centuries) have so far escaped the attention of modern scholars. In Iran, the city of Shiraz was the principal center of philosophy at this time, and it was here that Najm al-Dīn Maḥmūd al-Nayrīzī (d. after 933/1526), whose life and works are the subject of this book, spent his formative years. An accomplished Shīʿī scholars, Nayrīzī engaged with Avicennan as well as Suhrawardian philosophy in his works. Beside Nayrīzī, the present study introduces his contemporaries among the philosophers of Shiraz and provides an outline of the main challenges of their thought, particularly of the two leading figures, Jalāl al-Dīn al-Dawānī (d. 908/1502) and Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Dashtakī.
1 online resource. :
Opposition to philosophy in Safavid Iran : Mulla Muḥammad-Ṭāhir Qummī's Ḥikmat al-ʻārifin /
In Opposition to Philosophy in Safavid Iran , Ata Anzali and S. M. Hadi Gerami offer a critical edition of a hitherto unpublished manuscript that is arguably the most erudite and extensive polemical work against philosophy and philosophical mysticism from the Safavid period. The introduction offers an extensive and in-depth analysis of the status of philosophy in the late Safavid period, placing Mulla Muhammad-Tahir Qummi's (d. 1689) work in the broader context of the relevant cultural and intellectual developments of his time. The content of Hikmat al-'arifin itself is divided between a refutation of many traditional philosophical arguments about the nature of God and His attributes and, more importantly for those interested in Safavid intellectual history, attacks on Mulla Sadra and his students for synthesizing fundamental elements Ibn 'Arabi's thought into the framework of traditional philosophical discourse.
Editors' introduction -- Philosophy and philosophers: hapless victims or elite contenders? -- Muḥammad-Ṭāhir Qummī -- Ḥikmat al-ʻārifin -- The critical edition -- Bibliography (sources used in the introduction) -- Critical edition of Ḥikmat al-ʻārifin. :
1 online resource (ix, 458 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004345683 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Formation of a religious landscape : Shi'i higher learning in Safavid Iran /
In Formation of a Religious Landscape: Shi'i Higher Learning in Safavid Iran , Maryam Moazzen offers the first systematic examination of Shi'i educational institution and practices by exploring the ways in which religious knowledge was produced, authenticated, and transmitted in the second half of Safavid rule (1588-1722). By analyzing the deeds of endowment of the Madrasa-yi Sulṭānī and other mosque-madrasas built by the Safavid elite, this study sheds light on the organizing mechanisms and structures utilized by such educational foundations. Based on the large number of ijazās and other primary sources including waqfiyyas , biographical dictionaries and autobiographies, this study also reconstructs the Safavid madrasas' curriculum and describes the pedagogical methods used to transmit religious knowledge as well as issues that faced Shi'i higher learning in early modern times.
1 online resource (xiii, 290 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004356559 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Accusations of unbelief in Islam : a diachronic perspective on takfir /
The present volume-the first of its kind-deals with takfīr : accusing one´s opponents of unbelief ( kufr ). Originating in the first decades of Islam, this practice has been applied intermittently ever since. The nineteen studies included here deal with cases, covering different periods and parts of the Muslim world, of individuals or groups that used the instrument of takfīr to brand their opponents-either persons, groups or even institutions-as unbelievers who should be condemned, anathematized or even persecuted. Each case presented is placed in its sociopolitical and religious context. Together the contributions show the multifariousness that has always characterized Islam and the various ways in which Muslims either sought to suppress or to come to terms with this diversity. With contributions by: Roswitha Badry, Sonja Brentjes, Brian J. Didier, Michael Ebstein, Simeon Evstatiev, Ersilia Francesca, Robert Gleave, Steven Judd, István T. Kristó-Nagy, Göran Larsson, Amalia Levanoni, Orkhan Mir-Kasimov, Hossein Modarressi, Justyna Nedza, Intisar A. Rabb, Sajjad Rizvi, Daniel de Smet, Zoltan Szombathy, Joas Wagemakers.
1 online resource. :
9789004307834 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Unity in diversity : mysticism, messianism and the construction of religious authority in Islam /
What are the mechanisms of change and adaptation in Islam, regarded as a living organism, and how do they work? How did these mechanisms preserve the integrity of Muslim civilization through the innumerable hazards, divisions and devastations of time? From the perspective of history and intellectual history, this book focuses on a significant, though still largely under studied, aspect of this immense issue, namely, the role of mystical and messianic ferment in the construction and re-construction of religious authority in Islam. Sixteen scholars address this topic with a variety of approaches, providing a fresh outlook on the trends underlying the evolution of Muslim societies and, in particular, the emergence and consolidation of the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal Empires. Contributors include: Abbas Amanat, Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, Paul Ballanfat, Shahzad Bashir, Ilker Evrim Binbaş, Daniel De Smet, Devin DeWeese, Armin Eschraghi, Omid Ghaemmaghami, Ahmet T. Karamustafa, Todd Lawson, Pierre Lory, Matthew Melvin-Koushki, Orkhan Mir-Kasimov, A. Azfar Moin, William F. Tucker.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Sociology of Shi'ite Islam : collected essays /
Sociology of Shiʿite Islam is a comprehensive study of the development of Shiʿism. Its bearers first emerged as a sectarian elite, then a hierocracy and finally a theocracy. Imamate, Occultation and the theodicy of martyrdom are identified as the main components of the Shiʻism as a world religion. In these collected essays Arjomand has persistenly developed a Weberian theoretical framework for the analysis of Shiʿism, from its sectarian formation in the eighth century through the establishment of the Safavid empire in the sixteenth century, to the Islamic revolution in Iran in the twentieth century. These studies highlight revolutionary impulses embedded in the belief in the advent of the hidden Imam, and the impact of Shiʻite political ethics on the authority structure of pre-modern Iran and the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
1 online resource (xi, 486 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 455-476) and index. :
9789004326279 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The adventures of Shah Esma'il : a seventeenth-century Persian popular romance /
The Adventures of Shāh Esmāʿil recounts the dramatic formative years of the Safavid empire (1501-1722), as preserved in Iranian popular memory by coffeehouse storytellers and written down in manuscripts starting in the late seventeenth century. Beginning with the Safavids' saintly ancestors in Ardabil, the story goes on to relate the conquests of Shāh Esmāʿil (r. 1501-1524) and his devoted Qezelbāsh followers as they battle Torkmāns, Uzbeks, Ottomans, and even Georgians and Ethiopians in their quest to establish a Twelver Shiʿi realm. Barry Wood's translation brings out the verve and popular tone of the Persian text. A heady mixture of history and legend, The Adventures of Shāh Esmāʿil sheds important light on the historical self-awareness of late Safavid Iran.
Translation of a collection of manuscripts that was edited and published in Iran in 1971 by its owner, Aṣghar Muntaẓir Ṣāḥib, and published under the title: ʻĀlamʹārā-yi Shāh Ismāʻīl. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :