Showing 1 - 20 results of 85 for search '(((( memorial architecture ) OR ( oasis architecture ))) OR ( imperial architecture ))', query time: 0.29s Refine Results
The architecture of memory : a Jewish-Muslim household in colonial Algeria, 1937-1962 /

: Translation of : La maison de mémoire. : xiv, 158 pages : illustrations, map ; 23 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 145-154) and index. : 0521568927 (pbk.)

The architecture of imperialism : military bases and the evolution of foreign policy in Egypt's New Kingdom /

: xvii, 891 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9004140360 : 0169-9610 ;

Published 2013
Oasis : architecture traditionnelle de terre oasis de Dakhla en Egypte = raw-earth architecture Dakhla Oasis in Egypt /

: Catalog of the exhibition held CIVA Brussels, Belgium January 29-April 13, 2014. : 96 unnumbered pages : chiefly illustrations ; 25 cm. : 9782930115276

Published 2024
Imperial Ideology and Architecture /

: The goals and tactics of a state's ruling elite influence its artistic and architectural output, shaping the overall characteristics, orientation, and themes of its creations. Architecture reflects political ideology and historical events, showcasing the power and cultural values of the state, with implications for politics and authority. This book presents a comprehensive and nuanced exploration of the intricate interplay between art, politics, and religion within the architectural legacy of Mamluk Damascus. It sheds light on how these dynamics enrich our comprehension of the past and contribute to contemporary dialogues concerning the preservation of cultural heritage.
: 1 online resource (125 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004697171

Characteristically American : memorial architecture, national Identity, and the egyptian revival /

: xvi, 274 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 249-263) and index. : 9781621900399

Published 2024
The Oasis of Bukhara, Volume 3 : Material Culture, Socio-territorial Features, Archaeozoology and Archaeometry /

: The Oasis of Bukhara, Volume 3: Material Culture, Socio-territorial Features, Archaeozoology and Archaeometry , focuses on the study of material culture (pottery and glass), as well as on the archaeoscience activities that took place during the archaeological mission MAFOUB (2009-2023). The topics in this third, concluding volume concern environmental aspects, preliminary results on archaeozoology, the reconstruction of the evolution of the fauna over nineteen centuries, and politico-territorial aspects. It completes the urban and demographic framework that was presented in the previous two volumes. Contributors: Anne Bouquillon, Jacopo Bruno, Yvan Coquinot, Delphine Decruyenaere, Christel Doublet, Ayano Endo, Nathalie Gandolfo, Takako Hosokawa, Marjan Mashkour, Djamal Mirzaakhmedov, Andrey Omelchenko, Elisa Porto, Silvia Pozzi, Gabriele Puschnigg, Rocco Rante, Pascale Richardin, Yoko Shindo, Toshiyasu Shinmen, Tamako Takeda, Manon Vuillien, Antoine Zink The volume is co-published by Brill, Leiden, and the Louvre Museum, Paris.
: 1 online resource (400 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004693999

Published 1992
The architecture of ancient Israel : from the prehistoric to the Persian periods : in memory of Immanuel (Munya) Dunayevsky /

: Translation of : Adrikhalut be-Erets-Yiśraʾel bi-yeme ḳedem. : xiv, 332 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9652210137

Imperial baths at Kom el-Dikka = Łaźnie cesarskie na Kôm el-Dikka /

: 2 volumes (217 pages; [30] plans) : illustrations, maps (some folded), plans (some folded) ; 30 cm. : Bibliography : pages 204-208. : 8390009625

The necropolis of El-Bagawat in Kharga Oasis /

: At head of title: Service des antiquités de l'Égypte. : xvii, 202 pages, 49 plates : illustrations ; 38 cm. : Bibliography : pages [185]-192.

Published 2004
The Image of an Ottoman City : Imperial Architecture and Urban Experience in Aleppo in the 16th and 17th Centuries /

: This urban and architectural study of Aleppo, a center of early modern global trade, draws upon archival and narrative texts, architectural evidence, and contemporary theoretical discussions of the relation between imperial ideology, urban patterns and rituals, and architectural form. The first two centuries of Ottoman rule fostered tremendous urban development and reorientation through judiciously sited acts of patronage. Monumental structures endowed by Ottoman officials both introduced a new imperial architecture from Istanbul and incorporated formal elements from the local urban visual language. By viewing the urban and social contexts of these acts, tracing their evolution over two centuries, and examining their discussion in Ottoman and Arabic sources, this book proposes a new model for understanding the local reception and adaptation of imperial forms, institutions and norms.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047404224

Egypt in Italy : visions of Egypt in Roman imperial culture /

: "This book examines the appetite for Egyptian and Egyptian-looking artwork in Italy during the century following Rome's annexation of Aegyptus as a province. In the early imperial period, Roman interest in Egyptian culture was widespread, as evidenced by works ranging from the monumental obelisks, brought to the capital over the Mediterranean Sea by the emperors, to locally made emulations of Egyptian artifacts found in private homes and in temples to Egyptian gods. Although the foreign appearance of these artworks was central to their appeal, this book situates them within their social, political, and artistic contexts in Roman Italy. Swetnam-Burland focuses on what these works meant to their owners and their viewers in their new settings, by exploring evidence for the artists who produced them and by examining their relationship to the contemporary literature that informed Roman perceptions of Egyptian history, customs, and myths"-- |c Provided by publisher.
: xii, 249 pages ; 26 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9781107040489

Published 2009
Shali : a matter of conservation : result of the cultural heritage activities of the Italo-Egyptian development cooperation project : "Protection and promotion of cultural heritage and development of eco-tourism activities in the Siwa Oasis" 2006-2009 /

: At head of title: Ricerca e Cooperazione ; Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo. : 110 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), map ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 101-109). : 9788863360783

Published 2011
The Sultan's fountain : an imperial story of Cairo, Istanbul, and Amsterdam /

: xiii, 182 pages : chiefly color illustrations ; 24 cm. : 9789774165238

Published 2023
The excavations at Ismant al-Kharab. the churches and cemeteries /

: The adoption of Christianity by the Egyptian populace was well underway by the late third century, but evidence for its presence in the archaeological record from the Nile valley is sparse. This is due, in part, to the loss of ancient settlement sites beneath modern cultivation. By comparison, Ismant al-Kharab, ancient Kellis, in Dakhleh Oasis, was abandoned at the end of the fourth century and many of its structures survive intact. The villagers, moreover, left behind a wealth of artefacts and documentation. By the late third century some had converted to Christianity and by the early fourth century three churches were built to accommodate their growing numbers. The churches afford an unparalleled window into three ecclesiastical complexes that served a single village. The Large East Church, moreover, is the earliest surviving example of a purpose-built basilica in Egypt known thus far. It provides a better understanding of the development of Egyptian church architecture and has forced a reappraisal of the dates of certain features that were previously attributed to the fifth century.0The community established three burial grounds: Kellis 2, with an estimated 3,500?4,000 graves, a funerary church and associated graveyard, and in a reused monumental mausoleum. Christian cemeteries are known throughout North Africa, Europe, and Britain, but in Egypt few are published in anything but a cursory manner. At Kellis, 800+ graves have been excavated; the earliest burials date to the late third century confirming the evidence of an early conversion by some villagers and its rapid expansion thereafter.0This volume provides the first detailed publication of the churches and Christian burial grounds. It incorporates a discussion of the spread of Christianity in Egypt?s Southern Oasis, drawing upon data from the rich textual documentation from the site. The material culture is presented in detail, especially the extensive collection of ceramics, glass, and coins.
: 448 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps, plans ; 30 cm. : 9781789259636

Vernacular mud brick architecture in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt and the design of the Dakhleh Training and Archaeological Conservation Centre /

: 56 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm. : Bibliography : pages [55]-56. : 1842170597
9781842170595 (pbk.)

Published 2013
Cities and the shaping of memory in the ancient Near East /

: xix, 351 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9781107027947 : Nabil

Published 2019
Cult and Ritual in Persian Period Egypt : An Analysis of the Decoration of the Cult Chapels of the Temple of Hibis at Kharga Oasis /

: "Ancient Egyptian temple walls expressed royal and political ideologies, reflected the ancient Egyptian secular and spiritual world order, supplied a medium for the reenactments of assorted myths, and implied a metaphor for the universe. The Temple of Hibis is one of the most important temples from Late Period Egypt. Despite the conventional overall architecture plan of the temple, it exhibits numerous particularities. While the more prominent parts of the temple, such as the sanctuary, have been studied by numerous scholars, in other areas the decoration schemes remain largely unexplained. This book focuses on the decorative schemes of several chapels in the earlier part of the temple, chapels that were either established and/or were decorated during the first Persian Period (525-404 BCE). These chapels were located around the main sanctuary A, but have rarely been the subject of scholarly discussions. It concentrates on a few chapels of the Temple of Hibis: chapels F and G to the south of sanctuary A on the first level of the temple and all the decorated chapels, E1, E2, H1, and H2, on the second level of the temple. Each chapter begins with a brief description of the scenes and their basic layout and a complete translation of the accompanying texts. A more in-depth analysis regarding both text and image follows in the commentary. It includes the analysis of the different aspects of the gods, their origins, and the development of their cults that are significant to the scenes and to each other. Also discussed are their coherence, any aspects that are especially emphasized, and any other information that could be gleaned from the whole scene. The analysis tries to detail the specific composition that makes up the mosaic of the picture, wall, or room. Attention is paid to both the scenic arrangement and the hieroglyphic inscriptions, as the interpretation of one would be meaningless without the other. Attention is given to investigating the general function of the different rooms by means of their decoration and by identifying the patterns or important themes generated by the layout of the scenes. The results are summarized in the last chapter. A number of line drawings have been inserted into the text beside a described scene as an aid to the reader"--
: xv, 294 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 225-264) and index. : 9781950343096

A late Romano-Egyptian house in the Dakhla Oasis : Amheida house B2 /

: Print version record. : 460 pages : illustrations, maps ; 29 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9781479842230

Published 2004
Roman rule and civic life : local and regional perspectives /

: Contents: I. INSTRUMENTS OF IMPERIAL RULE. ECK, W.: Lateinisch, Griechisch, Germanisch ...? Wie sprach Rom met seinen Untertanen? TALBERT, R.: Rome's provinces as framework for world-view. KOKKINIA, C.: Ruling, inducing, arguing: how to govern (and survive) a Greek province. SLOOTJES, D.: The governor as benefactor in Late Antiquity. LIGT, L. DE: Direct taxation in western Asia Minor under the early Empire. II. CONQUEST AND ITS EFFECTS BIRLEY, A.: Britain 71-105: advance and retrenchment. ROSSUM, J.A.. VAN: The end of the Batavian auxiliaries as 'national' units. COULSTON, J.C.N.: Military identity and personal self-identity in the Roman army. BRUUN, C.: The legend of Decebalus. III. ROMANIZATION AND ITS LIMITS LOMAS, K.: Funerary epigraphy and the impact of Rome in Italy. BINTLIFF, J.L.: Town and chôra of Thespiae in the imperial age. ELTON, H.: Romanization and some Cilician cults. HESBERG, H. VON: Grabmonumente als Zeichen des sozialen Aufstiegs der neuen Eliten in den germanischen Provinzen. HAAN, N. DE: Living like the Romans? Some remarks on domestic architecture in North Africa and Britain. IV. URBAN ELITES AND CIVIC LIFE VRIES, T. DE & W.J. ZWALVE: Roman actuarial science and Ulpian's life expectancy table. KRIECKHAUS, A.: Duae Patriae? C. Plinius Caecilius Secundus zwischen germana patria und urbs. STRUBBE, J.H.M.: Cultic honours for benefactors in Asia Minor. HORSTER, M.: Substitutes for emperors and members of the imperial families as local magistrates. DONDIN-PAYRE, M.: Notables et élites dans les Trois Gaules. BRANCO, M. DI: Entre Amphion et Achille: réalité et mythologie de la défense d'Athènes du IIIe au IVe siècle. NAVARRO CABALLERO, M.: L'élite, les femmes et l'argent dans les provinces hispaniques. HIRSCHMANN, V.: Methodische Überlegungen zu Frauen in antiken Vereinen. HEMELRIJK, E.: Patronage of cities: the role of women.
: "Proceedings of the fourth workshop of the international network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, c. 200 B.C. - A.D. 476), Leiden, June 25-28, 2003." : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004401655

Published 1993
Twice Neokoros : Ephesus, Asia, and the cult of the Flavian imperial family /

: Twice Neokoros is a case study of the Cult of the Sebastoi that was established in the city of Ephesus by the province of Asia during the late first century C.E. Epigraphic and numismatic data indicate that the Cult of the Sebastoi was dedicated in 89/90 to the Flavian imperial family. The architecture, sculpture, municipal titles, and urban setting of the cult all reflect Asian religious traditions. The image of Ephesus was significantly altered by the use of these traditions in the institutions related to the Cult of the Sebastoi. Within the context of the history of provincial cults in the Roman Empire, the Cult of the Sebastoi became a turning point in the rhetoric of social order. Thus, the Cult of the Sebastoi served as a prototypical manifestation of socio-religious developments during the late first and early second century in the Eastern Mediterranean.
: 1 online resource (xvi, 237 pages) : illustrations, maps. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 218-225) and indexes. : 9789004283442 : 0927-7633 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.