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Philosophy in early Safavid Iran Najm al-Dīn Mah
Muslim philosophical activities on the cusp of the Safavid era (i.e., late 9th/15th and early 10th/16th centuries) have so far escaped the attention of modern scholars. In Iran, the city of Shiraz was the principal center of philosophy at this time, and it was here that Najm al-Dīn Maḥmūd al-Nayrīzī (d. after 933/1526), whose life and works are the subject of this book, spent his formative years. An accomplished Shīʿī scholars, Nayrīzī engaged with Avicennan as well as Suhrawardian philosophy in his works. Beside Nayrīzī, the present study introduces his contemporaries among the philosophers of Shiraz and provides an outline of the main challenges of their thought, particularly of the two leading figures, Jalāl al-Dīn al-Dawānī (d. 908/1502) and Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Dashtakī.
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The western Christian presence in the Russias and Qajar Persia, c.1760-1870 /
Winner of The 2018 Saidi-Sirjani Book Award In The Western Christian Presence in the Russias and Qājār Persia, c.1760-c.1870 , Thomas O'Flynn vividly paints the life and times of missionary enterprises in early nineteenth-century Russia and Persia at a moment of immense change when Tsarist Russia embarked on an expansionist campaign reaching to the Caucasus. Simultaneously he charts the relationship between the new Persian dynasty of the Qājārs and missionary activity on the part of European and American missionaries. This book reconstructs that world from a predominantly religious perspective. It recounts the sustaining ideals as well as the everyday struggles of the western missionaries, Protestant (Scottish, Basel and American Congregationalist) and Catholic (Jesuit and Vincentian). It looks at the reactions of diverse tribal peoples, the Tatars of the North Caucasus, the Kabardians and Circassians. Persia was the ultimate goal of these missionaries, which they eventually reached in the 1820s. Altogether this study throws light on the troubled course of history in West Asia and provides the background to politico-religious conflicts in Chechnya and Persia that persist to the present day.
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Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004313545 :
0924-9389 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Navīsanda-yi Rustam al-tawārīkh kīst? : va pizhūhishī dar nigāh-i ū bih Īrān /
In literary criticism, the blending of historical fact and literary invention is often referred to as 'fictionalized history'. While the main characters and episodes are largely based on historical record, in works of this kind, the author takes the liberty to invent or manipulate thoughts, dialogues, or events. Gore Vidal's Lincoln or Robert Graves' I, Claudius are modern examples of fictionalized history. In early Persian literature, Firdawsī's (d. 411/1020) Shāh-nāma is a fine specimen of fictionalized history. Rustam al-ḥukamā's (19th century) Rustam al-tawārīkh pretends to be an historical work, covering the last days of the Safavid era from the beginning of the rule of Shāh Sulṭān Ḥusayn (r. 1105-35/1694-1722), until the death of Fatḥ ʿAlī Shāh Qājār (d. 1249/1834). In this critical study, Jalīl Nudharī argues that Rustam's work is fictionalized history rather than history, and that Rustam al-ḥukamā is an alias of the well-known nineteenth-century writer Riḍā Qulī Khān Hidāyat (d. 1871)
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Sacred precincts : the religious architecture of non-Muslim communities across the Islamic world /
This book examines non-Muslim religious sites, structures and spaces in the Islamic world. It reveals a vibrant portrait of life in the religious sites by illustrating how architecture responds to contextual issues and traditions. Sacred Precincts explores urban context; issues of identity; design; construction; transformation and the history of sacred sites and architecture in Europe, the Middle East and Africa from the advent of Islam to the 20th century. It includes case studies on churches and synagogues in Iran, Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Tunisia, Morocco and Malta, and on sacred sites in Nigeria, Mali, and the Gambia. With contributions by Clara Alvarez, Angela Andersen, Karen Britt, Karla Britton, Jorge Manuel Simão Alves Correia, Elvan Cobb, Daniel Coslett, Mohammad Gharipour, Mattia Guidetti, Suna Güven, Esther Kühn, Amy Landau, Ayla Lepine, Theo Maarten van Lint, David Mallia, Erin Maglaque, Susan Miller, A.A. Muhammad-Oumar, Meltem Özkan Altınöz, Jennifer Pruitt, Rafael Sedighpour, Ann Shafer, Jorge Manuel Simão Alves Correia, Ebru Özeke Tökmeci, Steven Thomson, Heghnar Watenpaugh, Alyson Wharton and Ethel S. Wolper.
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Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004280229 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Reason, Esotericism, and Authority in Shiʿi Islam /
This volume advances the critical study of exegetical, doctrinal, and political authority in Shiʿi Islam. Naive dichotomies of "reason" and "esotericism" in Islamic Studies have often marginalized Shiʿi thought or impeded its understanding. The studies presented here aim to foster more exacting frameworks for interpreting the diverse modes of rationality and esotericism in Twelver and Ismaili Shiʿism and the socio-epistemic values they represent within Muslim discourse. The volume's contributions highlight the cross-sectarian genealogy of early Shiʿi esotericism; the rationale behind Fatimid Ismaili Quranic taʿwīl hermeneutics; the socio-political context of religious authority in nascent Twelver Shiʿism; authorial agency wielded by Imami hadith compilers; the position of esoteric Shiʿi traditions in Timurid-era Ḥilla; and Shiʿi-Sufi relations with Uṣūlī jurists in modern Iran. Contributors : Rodrigo Adem, Alessandro Cancian, Edmund Hayes, Sajjad Rizvi, Tahera Qutbuddin, Paul Walker, George Warner.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :