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Technology and Learning : Issues Vital to Address /
This book unpicks how the growing role of technology in learning, particularly tools and machines designed to solve real-world problems, is impacting thinking and expression. Discussed are processes, which must be understood to apply technology tools successfully; practices, to determine how to implement effective technology support to assist thinking, communication, and collaboration; performance, in terms of student experiences of technology; and predictions, to outline and analyze current technology trends. Contributors are: Nigel Adams, Peter Chatterton, Stefano Cobello, Bozydar Kaczmarek, Elizabeth Negus, Juan Romero and Tamas Rotschild
1 online resource (320 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A Philosophy for Education : A Study in Aesthetic Rationality /
The book supports an argument for the crucial role of the aesthetic in a humanist education. It is structured around the philosophy of Giambattista Vico (1668-1744) who saw the poetic imagination as the first language through which humankind makes sense of its place within the world with myths and symbolic ritual. This is the search for the truth of identity and, ultimately, requires a self that examines its own experiences. That examination is the work of an aesthetic rationality that responds to life's contradictions through the use of metaphor: An historical perspective, ranging from the Renaissance, through the Romantic Movement, to Phenomenology, identifies the major characteristics of an aesthetic rationality, and concludes with recommendations for the school curriculum.
1 online resource (205 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Virtuality and Education : A Reader /
The main common themes of an earlier book in this series, Virtual Learning and Higher Education , were: the extent to which education should become 'virtual', the actual cost and value of such innovation and to what degree such education suits its stakeholders. In order to further engage with these important issues a conference was held in Mansfield College, Oxford in September 2003. An edited selection of the papers from that event along with relevant papers that developed as a result of the conference's subsequent correspondences are the contents of this book. The chapters cover a spectrum of practical issues from 'at the e-chalkface' experimentations with virtual technologies via those who consider the consequences of establishing such systems through to those interested in developing long-term strategy or policy in the area. This stimulating and important book is aimed at researchers of topics such as technology-driven education, philosophy, innovation and cultural studies. It is also meant to appeal to anyone with an interest in the 'virtual' world of education.
Result of a conference held in Mansfield College, Oxford in September 2003. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The adventure of education : process philosophers on learning, teaching, and research /
This book on process-relational philosophy of education suggests that the notion of Adventure is foundational for the advancement of knowledge. Learning, teaching, and research are best conceived as rhythmic and relational processes, involving curiosity, imagination, valuation, creativity, and self-realization. Thus construed, contemporary educational practices can be revitalized from pedagogies of information retention and the current overemphasis on analytic precision.
1 online resource (viii, 227 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789042029224 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Islands of the Moral and Emotional Imagination : A Journey to Your True Self /
Islands of the Moral and Emotional Imagination: A Journey to Your True Self is for all those who are on a search for inspiration in their life. If one is dwelling in fear, they may choose not to take this new path. When confronted with the unknown, fear can discourage a chance to seek and find courage, truth, and faith, hidden within. Let us take you on a journey to the islands. Step into our currach weaving through the waves. You will find comfort when one of the islands becomes visible through the mist. You will be introduced to our friends as we step off on the islands to explore a wonder of mystery awaiting our curious hearts and minds. We will be delighted with new aesthetic experiences, growing closer in wisdom of the divine imagination. Let us weave the threads from life's memories into a tapestry of ideas and possibilities. Breath in and out each memory that surfaces from the deep shadowed regions of your mind, heart, and soul. Feel the toss of your life's waves, as unexplained storms are remembered, always knowing that an island of hope will appear on your soul's horizon.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Arts-Based Research and the Practice of Freedom in Education : Reflections from a Doctoral Course /
Arts-Based Research and the Practice of Freedom in Education advocates for the inclusion of arts-based research in doctoral education programs and, indeed, in educational programs at all levels. The doing of art to investigate ideas, situations, and experiences embraces bell hooks' concept of education as the practice of freedom, a practice in which everyone can learn and every voice counts. Through the use of photography, collage, painting, sculpture, textile arts and dance, 10 current and former doctoral students who had enrolled in an arts-based research course show and write about how arts-based methods enriched their educational experiences, celebrated their wholeness by dissolving the barriers between their scholar-artist-teacher-activist selves, and affirmed the inner-artist even in those who doubted they had one. Furthermore, their work establishes that arts-based research can reveal dimensions of experience that elude traditional research methods. Contributors are: Michael Alston, Kelly Bare, Shawn F. Brown, Nicholas Catino, Christopher Colón, Abby C. Emerson, Gene Fellner, Francie Johnson, Rendón Ochoa, Mariatere Tapias and Natalie Willens.
1 online resource (256 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Values, Education, Emotional Learning, and the Quest for Justice in Education /
Values, Education, Emotional Learning, and the Quest for Justice in Education explores emotional teaching-learning as it is cultivated based on teachers' and learners' attraction to reasonableness and emotions and can give rise to a plausible form of decoloniality or decolonisation in and through education. This volume argues that when the latter manifests, the democratic transformation of education might ensue. Put differently, decoloniality or decolonisation of education is a substantive way to look at the democratisation and, by implication, transformation of education and schooling. We invite our readers to engage with the meanings espoused throughout this book in the quest to cultivate a genuinely decolonial form of education in universities and schools, where values education should be enacted reasonably and emotively in such educational institutions. Teachers and learners cannot remain silent when oppressive and hegemonic forces of modernity continue to guide educational practices in institutions. Contributors are: Ahoud Alasfour, N'Dri Thérèse Assié-Lumumba, Emiliano Bosio, José Brás, Juan Carlos Rodriguez Camacho, Michael Cottrell, Lucimar Dantas, Amanda Fiore, Carla Galego, Maria Neves Gonçalves, Logan Govender, Beatriz Koppe, Sibonokuhle Ndlovu, Phefumula Nyoni, Adaobiagu Nnemdi Obiagu, Peter Oyewole, Theresa A. Papp, Martyn Reynolds, Kabini Sanga, V. Sucharita, Yusef Waghid and Emnet Tadesse Woldegiorgis.
1 online resource (257 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Multiculturalism and Multilingualism in Education : Implications for Curriculum, Teacher Preparation and Pedagogical Practice /
Despite the superdiversity of an increasingly multicultural and multilingual world, policy and practice in education continues to deal with issues of inclusion and diversity in language education in rather tangential and peripheral ways. To address critical issues in multicultural and multilingual education, with implications for curriculum, teacher preparation and pedagogical practice, this volume brings together international perspectives on research, policy and pedagogical practice that help the global community gain new insights into ground-breaking work that addresses current questions, challenges and complexities in an education world of superdiversity.
1 online resource (250 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Religion in secular education : what, in heaven's name, are we teaching our children? /
Cathy Byrne presents the secular principle as a guiding compass for religion in government schools in plural democracies. Using in-depth case studies, historical and contextual research from Australia, and comparisons with other developed nations, Religion in Secular Education provides a comprehensive, at times confronting, analysis of the ideologies, policies, pedagogies, and practices for state-school religion. In the context of rising demands for students to develop intercultural competence and interreligious literacy, and alongside increasing Christian evangelism in the public arena, this book highlights risks and implications as education develops religious identity - in individual children and in nation states. Byrne proposes a best practice framework for nations attempting to navigate towards socially inclusive outcomes and critical thinking in religions education policy.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Pragmatism, Education, and Children : International Philosophical Perspectives.
This book presents fourteen new essays by international scholars about the intersections between pragmatism, education, and philosophy with children. Pragmatism from its beginnings has sought a revolution in learning, and is itself a special kind of philosophy of education. What can the applications of pragmatism to pedagogy around the world teach us today?
1 online resource (265 pages) :
9789401205412 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Institutions of education, then and today : the legacy of German idealism /
The theme of "Institutions of Education: then and today" not only corresponds with the basic questions raised in German Idealism, but is also central to the question of whether it is legitimate to study German Idealism in our era. Elaborating on this project immediately raises the problem of institutional differentiation, which characterizes multicultural society. Does the variety of educational institutions not, by definition, exclude the shared conception and realization of adulthood that is presupposed by German Idealism? This book shows that German Idealism can still participate in the contemporary debate on education: it is not only helpful in raising relevant questions, but can also be transformed into positions which can deal with the pluriformity that characterizes contemporary society.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004184152 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Issues in religion and education : whose religion? /
Issues in Religion and Education, Whose Religion? is a contribution to the dynamic and evolving global debates about the role of religion in public education. This volume provides a cross-section of the debates over religion, its role in public education and the theoretical and political conundrums associated with resolutions. The chapters reflect the contested nature of the role of religion in public education around the world and explore some of the issues mentioned from perspectives reflecting the diverse contexts in which the authors are situated. The differences among the chapters reflect some of the particular ways in which various jurisdictions have come to see the problem and how they have addressed religious diversity in public education in the context of their own histories and politics.
1 online resource (xvi, 388 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004289819 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Hippocrates and medical education : selected papers read at the XIIth International Hippocrates Colloquium, Universiteit Leiden, 24-26 August 2005 /
The collection of writings known as the Corpus Hippocraticum played a decisive role in medical education for more than twenty-four centuries. This is the first full-length volume on medical education in Graeco-Roman antiquity since Kudlien's seminal article of 1970. Most of the articles in this volume were originally presented as papers at the XIIth International Colloquium Hippocraticum in Leiden in 2005.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047425953 :
0925-1421 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Critical Perspectives on Interreligious Education : Experiments in Empathy /
The editors of Experiments in Empathy: Critical Reflections on Interreligious Education have assembled a volume that spans multiple religious traditions and offers innovative methods for teaching and designing interreligious learning. This groundbreaking text includes established interreligious educators and emerging scholars who expand the vision of this field to include critical studies, decolonial approaches and exciting pedagogical developments. The book includes voices that are often left out of other comparative theology or interreligious education texts. Scholars from evangelical, Muslim, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, religiously hybrid and other background enrich the existing models for interreligious classrooms. The book is particularly relevant at a time when religion is so often harnessed for division and hatred. By examining the roots of racism, xenophobia, sexism and their interaction with religion that contribute to inequity the volume offers real world educational interventions. The content is in high demand as are the authors who contributed to the volume. Contributors are: Scott Alexander, Judith A. Berling, Monica A. Coleman, Reuven Firestone, Christine Hong, Jennifer Howe Peace, Munir Jiwa, Nancy Fuchs Kreimer, Tony Ritchie, Rachel Mikva, John Thatanamil, Timur Yuskaev.
1 online resource. :
Education for a Democratic Society.
This book is the third volume of selected papers from the Central European Pragmatist Forum (CEPF). It deals with the general question of education, and the papers are organized into sections on Education and Democracy, Education and Values, Education and Social Reconstruction, and Education and the Self. The authors are among the leading specialists in American philosophy from universities across the U.S. and in Central and Eastern Europe. The series Studies in Pragmatism and Values promotes the study of pragmatism's traditions and figures, and the explorations of pragmatic inquiries in all areas of philosophical thought.
1 online resource (227 pages) :
9789401203999 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Closed Education in the Open Society : Kibbutz Education as a Case Study.
Why is education in the open society not open? Why is this option not even considered in the debate over which education is most suited for the open society? Many consider such an option irresponsible. What, then, are the minimal responsibilities of education? The present volume raises these questions and many more. It is a book we have been waiting for. It offers a rare combination of two seemingly opposite, unyielding attitudes: critical and friendly. Dr. Yehezkely applies a rigorous fallibilist-critical approach to issues regarding contemporary education. His diagnosis is that the source of our trouble is the closed undemocratic character of education, which causes education to become, in effect, a fifth column in the open democratic society. Following Popper, he concedes that democracy is every bit as flawed and as problematic as its enemies accuse it of being, particularly in education; still it is our only hope, since open responsible debate of vital problems cannot do without it. Democracy is risky: yet its absence guarantees failure, especially in closed undemocratic education, even when inspired by the most progressive ideas extant, charged with tremendous good will, and executed with selfless love and devotion. Kibbutz education is a case in point.
1 online resource (211 pages) :
9789401208734 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Scribal Education in the Sargonic Period /
Scribal Education in the Sargonic Period is an in-depth analysis of the process of education for scribes during the period of Sargonic hegemony in ancient Mesopotamia (c. 2335-2150 BCE). The book provides a holistic study of the topic, addressing the technology of writing, the school texts used in education, the languages of instruction, and the social and historical context of scribal life and an education in cuneiform writing. The topic of scribal education at such an early period of Mesopotamian history has never been addressed at length before. Nicholas Kraus convincingly argues that scribal education during the Sargonic period was closely tied to the administrative institutions of the Sargonic Empire and prepared a scribe to become an effective administrator. The Harvard Semitic Studies series publishes volumes from the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East. Other series offered by Brill that publish volumes from the Museum include Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant and Harvard Semitic Monographs ,
Based on the author's dissertation (doctoral)--Yale University, 2018. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Education in Greek and Roman antiquity /
This volume examines the idea of ancient education in a series of essays which span the archaic period to late antiquity. It calls into question the idea that education in antiquity is a disinterested process, arguing that teaching and learning were activities that occurred in the context of society. Education in Greek and Roman Antiquity brings together the scholarship of fourteen classicists who from their distinctive perspectives pluralize our understanding of what it meant to teach and learn in antiquity. These scholars together show that ancient education was a process of socialization that occurred through a variety of discourses and activities including poetry, rhetoric, law, philosophy, art and religion.
1 online resource (xi, 477 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 459-472) and index. :
9789047400134 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Of Emoji and Semioliteracy : Reading, Writing, and Texting in the Literacy Instruction Classroom /
In service to their unique demographic of learners, developmental reading and writing instructors must steadfastly teach basic literacy skills to a diverse student population with varying degrees of literacy proficiency. Even more dauntingly, educators are tasked with procuring andragogically-and-pedagogically appropriate teaching tools - those that meet the needs of the individual student while being accessible and relatable to this adult learner demographic. Of Emoji and Semioliteracy: Reading, Writing, and Texting in the Literacy Instruction Classroom proposes emoji as one such viable literacy and postsecondary writing teaching tool. Drawing from a mixed-methods study, this work chronicles a Texas community college integrated reading and writing project in which students attempt to demonstrate mastery of State-mandated literacy content areas using both traditional writing and emoji. By postulating emoji as a semioliteracy-based instructional tool, this work also explores emoji's wider implications on teaching reading and writing within the developmental, First-Year Writing, postsecondary, and literacy instruction classes across all levels and disciplines. Foreword by Marcel Danesi
1 online resource (176 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Young Migrants and Plurilingualism in Schools : A Comparative Study of Language Diversity within Education Systems in France and Aotearoa New Zealand /
In many parts of the world, there is a growing interest in how existing linguistic knowledge is involved in the acquisition of further languages; in particular how learning the language of schooling can be improved through inclusion of students' home languages. This theme gathers around it a rich international network of multilingual researchers interested in promoting the benefits of bilingual and plurilingual education, the recognition of linguistic and cultural diversity in schools, and strategies for supporting young migrants to succeed in schools. Young Migrants and Plurilingualism in Schools: A Comparative Study of Language Diversity within Education Systems in France and Aotearoa, New Zealand presents findings from the author's Ph.D. study carried out during 2017-2019 with young migrants and their teachers in France and New Zealand. These findings provide evidence for plurilingual learning spaces as improving student participation, interaction, sense of wellbeing and social cohesion-all elements of democratic coexistence in culturally and linguistically diverse societies.
1 online resource (366 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :