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Rome and the worlds beyond its frontiers /
This volume offers an expansive approach to interactions between Romans and those beyond the borders of Rome. The range of papers included here is wide, both in terms of subject matter and with respect to approach. That said, a number of important themes bind the essays. Who is an insider, and who the outsider? How were these categories of person, or identity, fashioned and/or recognized in antiquity? How shall we recognize them now? What are the categories, or standards, for measuring or determining inside and outside in the Roman world? And then, of course, what are the repercussions when inside and outside come into contact? What happens when the outside is in, or the inside out?
1 online resource (xii, 262 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004326750 :
1572-0500 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Between caravan and sultan : the Bayruk of southern Morocco, a study in history and identity /
This work presents a study of the history and identity of the Moroccan Bayruk family. The first part of the book gives an outline of the main referents in both the Bayruk vision of 'self', and academic discourses on Maghribian history: the dynasty, caravan and 'tribe'. It identifies discrepancies in scholarly presentations of the Bayruk and traces them back to two overlapping issues of translation and conception. For the remainder of the book a variety of sources are used to highlight the role of textuality in the creation of the Bayruk image in academic discourse. As a result this book demonstrates how the Bayruk family can be used as a case-study to revise the existing interpretations of Maghribian history and modes of identification.
1 online resource (xviii, 360 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [347]-356) and index. :
9789004183827 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Les papyrus de la mer Rouge.
The Ouadi el-Jarf site, excavated since 2011, is a port on the Red Sea that was used at the beginning of the 4th Dynasty to go by sea to the turquoise and copper mines of the southwestern peninsula of Sinai. In the 2013 campaign, a large batch of papyrus dating from the end of the reign of Cheops was unearthed at the entrance of one of the shop-galleries which are one of the characteristic traits of the site, to this day the most ancient hieratic papyrus ever discovered. They constitute the archives of a team of sailors and are subdivided into two main categories: accounts recording deliveries of different products, and logbooks covering several months of activity of this team. The latter describe missions carried out under the supervision of Inspector Merer and mainly concern the transport by river water of limestone blocks from the quarries of Toura to the construction site of the great pyramid of Cheops, on the other bank of the Nile. This book is the publication of the two best preserved logbooks of this lot.
Pages 164-176 in Arabic read right to left at the end of the book. :
176 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 33 cm. + 4 folded charts. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages [141]-147) and indexes. :
2724707060 :
0257-411X ;
Les papyrus de la Mer Rouge II : le journal de Dedi » et autres fragments de journaux de bord (Papyrus Jarf C, D, E, F, Aa) /
The Ouadi el-Jarf site, excavated since 2011, is a port on the Red Sea that was used at the beginning of the 4th Dynasty to go by sea to the turquoise and copper mines of the southwestern peninsula of Sinai. In the 2013 campaign, a large batch of papyrus dating from the end of the reign of Cheops was unearthed at the entrance of one of the shop-galleries which are one of the characteristic traits of the site are to this day the most ancient hieratic papyrus ever discovered. They constitute the archives of a team of sailors and are subdivided into two main categories: accounts recording deliveries of different products, and logbooks covering several months of activity of this team. The latter describe missions carried out under the supervision of Inspector Merer and mainly concern the transport by river water of limestone blocks from the quarries of Toura to the construction site of the great pyramid of Cheops, on the other bank of the Nile. This book is the publication of the two best preserved logbooks of this lot.
In French, with translation of appendix into English and Arabic. Pages 164-176 in Arabic read right to left at the end of the book. :
306 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 33 cm + 4 folded charts. :
La vaisselle en pierre des reines de Pépy Ier /
"In the cemetery of the family of King Pepy I of the 6th Dynasty (c. 2330-2280), the French-Swiss archaelogical Mission of Saqqâra (MafS) has uncovered eight pyramidal complexes of queens from the end of the Old Kingdom. This publication presents a study and a catalog of some of the material delivered by these tombs, including stone vessels - usually fragmentary and sometimes inscribed, such as that of the queen mother Ankhnespepy II, series of models - dummy vases with symbolic function, containers for food offerings, as well as other items of funeral equipment. The stones encountered are mainly calcite (or travertine, or Egyptian alabaster), gneiss, greywacke, limestone. A wide variety of shapes appears, including large inscribed jars, refined cups, shapes well attested in the 6th dynasty and vases much older than the 6th dynasty. The models reveal a permanence of the shapes compared to those of the previous periods, and it is in the material of the queens of Pepy I that the cases of food offerings of real size, some in calcite, appear for the first time in a royal equipment"--Page [4] of cover.
viii, 333 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 33 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages [235]-252) :
Regards français sur le coup d'etat de 1921 en Perse : journaux personnels de Georges Ducrocq et Hélène Hoppenot /
Il existe peu de documents originaux pour permettre aux historiens de comprendre comment le coup d'État de Seyyed Ziya et de Reza Khan en 1921 s'est déroulé. Les journaux de deux diplomates français, Georges Ducrocq (attaché militaire) et Hélène Hoppenot (épouse du chargé d'affaires) nous donnent des informations de première main sur l'opinion publique et sur les activités des Britanniques ainsi que sur la vie quotidienne avant, pendant et après février 1921. Ils donnent des portraits contrastés de quelques uns des principaux politiciens iraniens et de personnages européens aussi importants que Starosselsky, Dickson et de nombreux autres. Few original documents enable historians to understand how the 1921 coup of Seyyed Ziya and Reza Khan was staged. The diaries of two French diplomats, Georges Ducrocq (military attaché) and Hélène Hoppenot (wife of the French chargé d'affaires) give us first hand information on public opinion, on the British activities and on everyday life before, during and after February 1921. They give contrasting portraits of main Iranian politicians and of such important European actors as Starosselsky, Dickson, Norman and many others.
1 online resource (vi, 698 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004283770 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Early ancient glass : core-formed, rod-formed, and cast vessels and objects from the late Bronze Age to the early Roman Empire, 1600 B.C. to A.D. 50 /
: At head of title : The Toledo Museum of Art. : 453 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 31 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 433-438) and indexs. : 093392092x (alk. paper)
Life histories of Theban tombs : transdiciplinary investigations of a cluster of rock-cut tombs at Sheikh 'Abd el-Qurna /
"In recent years, archeological research has undergone major changes. The material turn in archaeology and related disciplines prompted the adoption of sophisticated scientific, digital, and technical approaches and methods often conducted on a micro level, enhancing our understanding of depositional processes and of the creation and life of an archeological object. This volume reflects seven seasons of transdisciplinary archaeological research at a cluster of rock-cut tombs in Sheikh Abd al-Qurna, an ancient Egyptian hillside cemetery and part of the much larger Theban Necropolis. Organized in twelve main chapters, Life Histories of Theban Tombs presents current investigations in landscape archaeology (including recent excavations at a large debris hill previously covering a tomb), geo- and bioarcheology, the archaeology of tomb construction, burial practices, and domestic uses as well as various epigraphical, visual, and material studies[should there be a serial. The last two sections provide additional insight into the applied recording, surveying, and visualization methods and techniques and the database system used for data recording and organization. "
xxv, 178 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), color maps ; 30 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The impact of mobility and migration in the Roman empire : proceedings of the twelfth workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Rome, June 17-19, 2015) /
Following on previous workshops of the Impact of Empire network which looked at frontiers (Impact 9), integration (Impact 10) and the world(s) beyond the borders of the Roman empire (Impact 11), the twelfth meeting of the network focused on movement within the Roman world. The Impact of Mobility and Migration in the Roman Empire assembles a series of papers on key themes in the study of Roman mobility and migration. It discusses legal frameworks, the mobility of the army (both at war and in peace-time), ethnic identity, the mobility of women, the mobility of senators, diplomatic mobility, war-induced mobility, and deportations. The papers vary in geographical scope, ranging from empire-wide approaches to reconstructions of patterns at particular sites. It employs a rich variety of sources, ranging from classical authors to documentary papyri, from legal sources to shipwrecks.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004334809 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Arqueología de la Edad Moderna en el País Vasco y su entorno /
Post-medieval archaeology is currently going through a critical phase of consolidation and disciplinary redefinition across Europe, where mere proposals or ambitions are becoming tangible scientific and disciplinary realities. This renovation is most evident in Southern Europe, where, until recently, these studies have been treated as somewhat marginal. The convergence of new actors and disciplines, the promotion of new patrimonialisation initiatives, and the creation of new action frameworks as a result of the deep economic crisis of the years 2007-2008 are some of the factors that have shaped current approaches to the archaeology of the Modern Age. Focusing on archaeological studies of the Modern Age located in the Basque Country, this book recognises the main themes investigated, detects some of the strengths and weaknesses, and proposes new lines of action and disciplinary consolidation.
"Available both in print and Open Access"--Home page. :
1 online resource (iv, 306 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789694390 (ebook) : :
Open access.
Recherches sur Jean Grolier, sur sa vie et sa bibliothèque, suivies d'un Catalogue des livres qui lui ont appartenus /
The Catalogue (pp. 179-320), extensively describing 349 items ( 13 of which are manuscripts) gives a masterly reconstruction of Grolier's Library, which ranks among the most precious collections of books of all times. The owner (1479-1565) is rightly considered as the founding father of French bibliography.
1 online resource (542 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Rivers of paradise : water in Islamic art and culture /
: "The following essays are the written record of the second biennial Hamad bin Khalifa Symposium on Islamic Art and Culture, held at Virginia Commonwealth University's School of the Arts in Doha, Qatar (VCUQatar), from 4 to 6 November 2007" --Introduction. : [ix], 364 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps (chiefly color), plans ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 342-355) and index. : 9780300158991
David Jones : a Christian modernist? : new approaches to his art, poetry and cultural theory /
David Jones: A Christian Modernist? is a major reassessment of the work of the poet, artist and essayist David Jones (1895-1974) in light of the complex, ambiguous idea of a 'Christian modernism'. His richly experimental and palimpsestic poetry, art and thought drew extensively on Christian tradition and symbolism as a key to the future: rejecting a technocratic and utilitarian modernity in favour of a revitalised culture of sign and sacrament. This volume examines historical influences on Jones's development, his impassioned engagement with the idea of modernity and with modernist literature and art, the theological sources and resonances of his work, and contemporary or late-modern perspectives on his achievement.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004356993 :
1877-3192 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Orthodox Christians and Muslims in Cappadocia : Local Interactions in an Ottoman Countryside (1839-1923) /
This book traces the history of everyday relations of Greek-Orthodox Christians and Muslims of Cappadocia, an Ottoman countryside inhabited by various ethno-religious groups, either sharing the same settlements, or living in neighbouring villages. Based on Ottoman state archives, testimonies collected by the Centre of Asia Minor Studies, and various pre-1923 hand-written and printed sources mostly in Ottoman- and Karamanli-Turkish, and Greek, the study covers the period from 1839 to 1923 and proposes an anthropological perspective on everyday cross-religious interactions. It focuses on questions such as identification and mapping of communities, sharing of space and resources, use of languages, and religiosity in the context of conversions and of shared sacred spaces and beliefs to investigate everyday realities of a multireligious rural society which disappeared with the fall of the Empire.
1 online resource (350 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Le sanctuaire osirien de douch : travaux de I'Ifao dans le secteur temple en pierre, 1976-1994 /
"The site of Douch had never been excavated at the time Serge Sauneron, director of the IFAO, began de-sanding the area of the temple of the early Roman Empire in 1976. Before reaching the paved floors, the excavations revealed several levels of occupation under the Late Roman Empire. These campaigns and those subsequent, up until 1994, revealed the existence of several buildings preceding Roman times, such as a Ptolemaic brick sanctuary beneath the temple and other even older buildings, at the least dating back to the Persian time.The history of the archaeological works is followed by six chapters on the architecture of the buildings in the area: the enclosures and their doors, the courtyards and their fittings, the temple and its column porch, the chapel attached to a fault in the ground, probably a place of primitive worship. The text is amply illustrated with maps, sections and elevations. Examination of the construction details enabled to determine the chronological succession of the buildings, and to explain some anomalies or to restitute some of the parts destroyed.The dating of the main brick buildings and their remodeling was possible thanks to Michel Wuttmann who, from 2007 to 2011, had plants extracted from the walls, which were then collected and analyzed by radiocarbon. These new chronological markers allow to propose, in the last chapter, some restitutions of the successive states of the sanctuary in plan and perspective, from the Persian period to the Late Roman Empire."--
vi pages, 2 unnumbered pages, 287 pages, 2 unnumbered pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) ; 33 cm + 9 folded supplementary leaflets (in pocket). :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9782724707328 :
La industria lítica bifacial del sitio en cantera Chipana-1 : conocimiento y técnica de los grupos...
The site of Chipana-1 is located in the middle of the Atacama Desert, in the Pampa del Tamarugal. The site is a good example of past societies adaptation to hyper-arid environments, and provides new insights into the early human occupations of South America. The well-preserved stratigraphic record, together with 13 radiocarbon dates, show that the site was occupied around 11,480 cal BP. Chipana-1 is a lithic raw-material extraction and workshop site, of a silicified rock of good quality, mainly related to the production of bifacial tools (façonnage), and to a lesser extent, of flakes (débitage) on surface. This is the first site in northern Chile that provides information on the first stages of lithic production, such as raw-material selection and reduction (dégrossissage).
Previously issued in print: 2018. :
1 online resource (viii, 106 pages) : illustrations (colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781784919122 (ebook) :