Pierre Tallet
Pierre Tallet (born in 1966) is a French Egyptologist, most famous for discovering the Diary of Merer. He served as president of the French Society of Egyptology from 2009 to 2017. Provided by WikipediaLa zone miniere pharaonique du Sud-Sinai. III : Les expeditions egyptiennes dans la zone miniere du Sud-Sinai du predynastique a la fin de la XXe dynastie /
: Table des matieres en ligne Resume en francais et en anglais en 4eme de couv MIFAO = Memoires publies par les membres de l'Institut francais d'archeologie du Caire. IF = Publications de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale. : vi,393 pages : illustrations ; 33 cm. : 9782724707137
La zone minière pharaonique du Sud-Sinaï.
: Intended to follow and complement the material covered in The inscriptions of Sinai by A. H. Gardiner, T. E. Peet, and J. Černy, published 1952-1955 (2 volumes). : 2 volumes (xix, 346 pages ; 176 pages) : illustrations (chiefly color), color maps, plans (some color) ; 33 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (volume 1, pages ix-xix) and index. : 9782724706291 : 0257-411X ; : Nabil
Les papyrus de la Mer Rouge II : le journal de Dedi » et autres fragments de journaux de bord (Papyrus Jarf C, D, E, F, Aa) /
The Ouadi el-Jarf site, excavated since 2011, is a port on the Red Sea that was used at the beginning of the 4th Dynasty to go by sea to the turquoise and copper mines of the southwestern peninsula of Sinai. In the 2013 campaign, a large batch of papyrus dating from the end of the reign of Cheops was unearthed at the entrance of one of the shop-galleries which are one of the characteristic traits of the site are to this day the most ancient hieratic papyrus ever discovered. They constitute the archives of a team of sailors and are subdivided into two main categories: accounts recording deliveries of different products, and logbooks covering several months of activity of this team. The latter describe missions carried out under the supervision of Inspector Merer and mainly concern the transport by river water of limestone blocks from the quarries of Toura to the construction site of the great pyramid of Cheops, on the other bank of the Nile. This book is the publication of the two best preserved logbooks of this lot.
In French, with translation of appendix into English and Arabic. Pages 164-176 in Arabic read right to left at the end of the book. :
306 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 33 cm + 4 folded charts. :
Les papyrus de la mer Rouge.
The Ouadi el-Jarf site, excavated since 2011, is a port on the Red Sea that was used at the beginning of the 4th Dynasty to go by sea to the turquoise and copper mines of the southwestern peninsula of Sinai. In the 2013 campaign, a large batch of papyrus dating from the end of the reign of Cheops was unearthed at the entrance of one of the shop-galleries which are one of the characteristic traits of the site, to this day the most ancient hieratic papyrus ever discovered. They constitute the archives of a team of sailors and are subdivided into two main categories: accounts recording deliveries of different products, and logbooks covering several months of activity of this team. The latter describe missions carried out under the supervision of Inspector Merer and mainly concern the transport by river water of limestone blocks from the quarries of Toura to the construction site of the great pyramid of Cheops, on the other bank of the Nile. This book is the publication of the two best preserved logbooks of this lot.
Pages 164-176 in Arabic read right to left at the end of the book. :
176 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 33 cm. + 4 folded charts. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages [141]-147) and indexes. :
2724707060 :
0257-411X ;
La zone miniere pharaonique du Sud-Sinai. II : es inscriptions pré- et protodynastiques du Ouadi 'Ameyra (CCIS nos 273-335) /
: Table des matieres en ligne Resume en francais et en anglais en 4eme de couv MIFAO = Memoires publies par les membres de l'Institut francais d'archeologie du Caire. IF = Publications de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale. : x,168 pages : illustrations (some color), color maps, plans; 33 cm. : 9782724706727
Ayn Soukhna IV : le matériel des galeries-magasins /
: This volume gathers several studies concerning the most characteristic material discovered in the system of storage caves of the site of Ayn Soukhna (following the archeological report published in 2016 in a previous book). We present successively all the inscriptions which were found during the excavation of this sector, by adding complements to those which, because of their historical importance, have already been at least partially published, and by studying all the inscribed objects of various periods brought to light. A specific study was also devoted to the exceptional batch of Old Kingdom flint knives collected in the entrance to the G1 gallery. The analysis of nearly one hundred utilitary stone objects is then proposed here, with the determination of the precise use of all this material. A chapter is also devoted to dry pulleys and tenons discovered near the galleries, which could be rigging elements of the boats that were used on the site. Finally, one study devoted to faunal remains which give an insight into food consumption by pharaonic teams during expeditions. And one devoted to hundreds of fragments of crucibles found in this area, which correspond to a metallurgical activity dated to the early Middle Kingdom. : viii, 447 pages : illustrations (some color), plans ; 33 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9782724707540
The Red Sea in pharaonic times : recent discoveries along the Red Sea coast; proceedings of the colloquium held in Cairo / Ayn Soukhna 11th-12th January 2009 /
: "The aim of this conference, which was held in Cairo and Ayn Soukhna in January 2009, was to bring together most of the specialists studying the Red Sea shore area and its relations with the Nile Valley. The proceedings give an overview of the most recent research on this strategic zone during the pharaonic period" -- back cover. : ix, 187 pages : Illustrations, maps ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 175-187). : 9782724705980 : Nabil
Les archives administratives de l'Ancien Empire /
This collective volume presents the proceedings of an international symposium co-organized by Sorbonne university and Geneva university in Paris between February 12th and 15th 2015. The aim of the such a meeting was to establish a "state of the art" of the papyrological documentation known to us for this specific period of pharaonic history (letters, accounting documents, inventories, working teams' logbooks, personnel registers). By bringing together most specialists of this type of historic sources, it has enabled a complete presentation of the main series of documents from the Memphite area (papyri of Abusir and Sakkara), from Upper or Middle Egypt (Meir, Sharuna, Gebelein, Elephantine), or even from more remote places like the wadi el-Jarf harbour on the Red sea shores or Balat-Ayn Asil archives in the Dakhla oasis. Each contributor gives an overview of the available documentation and the most recent studies related to it. Numerous examples, some of them hitherto unpublished, are illustrated in this volume so as to better understand the way those lots are organized and to fully apprehend how the administration of this period was managed at the provincial as well as central level.
Papers from a symposium that took place in Paris in 2015. :
xvi, 357 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
Ouadi el-Jarf. I : Les installations du littoral /
Le port pharaonique du Ouadi el-Jarf est constitué d'un ensemble d'installations (galeries magasins, campements, installations maritimes) qui se répartissent sur une distance d'environ 5 km, entre le piémont du Gebel Galala el-Qibliya et la côte du golfe de Suez. Ce premier volume, résultat de fouilles menées entre 2012 et 2021, a pour objectif de présenter les aménagements qui se trouvent sur le littoral de la mer Rouge où l'on observe encore les vestiges d'une jetée de grande taille en forme de « L » destinée à fournir un abri aux embarcations qui fréquentaient le port, ainsi que ceux d'une série de campements installés à quelque 200 m du littoral. Cette zone était particulièrement fréquentée par les équipes d'ouvriers qui étaient chargées du montage et du démontage des bateaux utilisés sur le site. Le riche matériel recueilli lors de la fouille de cette zone du site comprend notamment de nombreuses empreintes de sceaux aux noms des rois Snéfrou et Chéops -- qui permettent de dater l'occupation du site du tout début de la IVe dynastie -- ainsi qu'un dépôt exceptionnel d'une centaine d'ancres de bateaux qui avaient été abritées dans ces bâtiments au terme de la dernière grande expédition maritime organisée à cet endroit. Celles-ci sont régulièrement inscrites au nom des embarcations auxquelles elles appartenaient, et nous renvoient une image de la dernière flotte qui a fréquenté les lieux vers 2600 av. J.-C
2 vol. (XII, 344 p., X, 169 p.) : ill. in black and in color, plans, cover. ill. in color. ; 33 cm. :