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Sharḥ asmāʼ Allāh al-ḥusná lil-Rāzī : wa-huwa al-kitāb al-musammá, Lawāmiʻ al-bayyināt sharḥ asmāʼ Allāh taʻālá wa-al-ṣifāt /

: 368 pages ; 24 cm. : 9777196008

al-Maqṣid al-asná fī sharḥ asmāʼ Allāh al-ḥusná /

: pages ; 24 cm

Published 1905
Kitāb Lawāmiʻ al-bayyināt sharḥ asmāʼ Allāh taʻālá wa-al- ṣifāt /

: 267, 4 pages ; 20 cm.

Kitāb Lawāmiʻ al-bayyinat : sharḥ asmāʼ Allāh taʻālá wa-al-ṣifāt /

: 267 pages ; 20 cm.

Published 1906
Kitāb al-Maqsạd al-asná : sharh ̣asmāʼ Allāh al-hụsná /

: 88 p. ; 20 cm.

Published 2011
Current research in Egyptology 2010 : proceedings of the eleventh annual symposium /

: x, 205 pages : illustration ; 25 cm. : 9781842174296
1842174290 :

al-Muqaddimāt al-khams wa-al-ʻishrūn : fī ithbāt wujūd Allāh wa-waḥdānīyatihi wa-tanazzuhihi min an yakūna jism aw qūwah fī jism min Dalālat al-ḥāʼirīn /

: 104 pages ; 24 cm

Published 2002
Nature, Man and God in Medieval Islam : Volume One /

: A contemporary to Thomas Aquinas in Latin Catholic Italy, and with a parallel motivation to stabilize each his own civilization in its flux and storm, 'Abd Allah Baydawi of Ilkhan Persia wrote a compact and memorable Arabic Summation of Islamic Natural and Traditional Theology. With the same strokes of his pen he presented the Islamic version of the Science of Theological Statement, bafflingly called "Kalam" while familiarly embracing "Theology". Baydawi's Tawali'al-Anwar min Matal'al-Anzar (Rays of Dawnlight Outstreaming from Far Horizons of Logical Reasoning), with Mahmud Isfahani's commentary, is a formidably clear logical and mental vision of mankind's final completion as a spiritual structure in Islam. Reality - in nature's Possible mode, in an apodictic Divine mode, and in humanity's heroic Prophetic mode - comprises man's Worldview and is the Theme of the Baydawi/Isfahani discourse. The Edifice of Man and Humanity's evanescent Evidence within it are both hugely arresting and moving. The print edition is available as a set of two volumes (9789004121027).
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004123816

Published 2019
Sharḥ al-Taʿarruf li-madhhab al-taṣawwuf /

: The Kitāb al-taʿarruf li-madhhab al-taṣawwuf by Abū Bakr b. Isḥāq al-Kalābādhī (d. 380-85/990-995) is one of the most famous early manuals on Sufism. Written in Bukhara under the strongly orthodox Samanids, it consists of four parts: an explanation of the term ṣūfī and a listing of famous Sufis with a typology of their writings, an exposition of the Sufī creed and its conformity with orthodox Islam, an explanation of the spiritual path of the Sufi with accompanying terminology, and a description of Sufi conduct and of their special relation with God. The work saw four commentaries, the present one by Ismāʿīl Mustamlī Būkhārī (d. 434/1043) being one of them. Starting each time with a brief quotation from the original Arabic, the commentary in Persian. This is a facsimile edition of a manuscript from the Bhīravī collection in the National Archives of Pakistan, dated 473/1081. The manuscript is incomplete, with about half of the commentary missing.
: "Nuskhah bargardān bih qaṭʻ-i aṣl-i nuskhah-i khaṭṭī bih shumārah-i 207.1959. M. N. Mūzih-i Millī-i Pākistān (Karāchī), kitābat-i 473 H." : 1 online resource. : 9789004406216

Published 2019
Rāḥat al-arwāḥ wa-muʾnis al-ashbāḥ : Dar sharḥ-i zindagānī, faḍāyil u muʿjizāt-i aʾimma-yi aṭhār /

: In Islam, Twelver-Shīʿism is based on the claim that the rightful successors to the Prophet were his son-in-law ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib (d. 40/661) and eleven of his descendants through his marriage with Fāṭima, ending with the grand occultation of the twelfth and last imam, Muḥammad al-Mahdī in 329/940. In the centuries following the occultation of the last imam, there emerged a special type of hagiographic literature glorifying the lives and wonders of the Prophet, his daughter Fāṭima, and the twelve infallible imams. The importance of these works was not just informative and apologetic; they also had a didactic side insofar as the imams were regarded as a channel for God's grace to man, it being through them that man could learn how to fulfil God's wish of obeying Him. Composed around 755/1355 for the Sarbadār ruler of Sabzawār by Ḥasan Shīʿī Sabzawārī, this elegantly written Persian volume is a fine specimen of this particular type of writings.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004402188

Published 2010
Isis on the Nile : Egyptian gods in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt : proceedings of the IVth...

: The diffusion of the cults of Isis is recently again intensively studied. Research on this fascinating phenomenon has traditionally been characterised by its focus on L'Égypte hors d'Égypte, while developments in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt itself were often seen as belonging to a different domain. This volume tries to overcome that unhealthy dichotomy by studying the cults of Isis in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt itself in relation to developments in the Mediterranean at large. The book not only presents an overview of the most important deities, often based on new or unpublished material, but also pays ample attention to the cultural processes behind Isis on Nile, like relations between style and identity, religious choice, social- and cultural memory and Egypt's view of its own past.
: 1 online resource (xxviii, 293 pages, [68] pages of plates) : illustrations (1 color) : Includes bibliographical references (p. xi-xiv) and index. : 9789004210868 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2018
Essays in contextual theology /

: Essays in Contextual Theology is a collection of essays that reflect on the doing of contextual theology from several perspectives. After a general introductory essay, subsequent essays reflect on topics such as contextual theology and prophetic dialogue, criteria for orthodoxy, the nature of tradition, the role of culture, the dynamics of conversion, and the way theology is being done in World Christianity. The collection closes with an autobiographical essay tracing the author's journey to becoming a "global theologian."
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004363083 : 2452-2953 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2011
The Spirit of the Old Testament /

: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004397118

Published 2017
Senses of scripture, treasures of tradition : the Bible in Arabic among Jews, Christians and Muslims /

: Senses of Scripture, Treasures of Tradition offers recent findings on the reception, translation and use of the Bible in Arabic among Jews, Samaritans, Christians and Muslims from the early Islamic era to the present day. In this volume, edited by Miriam L. Hjälm, scholars from different fields have joined forces to illuminate various aspects of the Bible in Arabic: it depicts the characteristics of this abundant and diverse textual heritage, describes how the biblical message was made relevant for communities in the Near East and makes hitherto unpublished Arabic texts available. It also shows how various communities interacted in their choice of shared terminology and topics, and how Arabic Bible translations moved from one religious community to another. Contributors include: Amir Ashur, Mats Eskhult, Nathan Gibson, Dennis Halft, Miriam L. Hjälm, Cornelia Horn, Naḥem Ilan, Rana H. Issa, Geoffrey K. Martin, Roy Michael McCoy III, Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala, Meirav Nadler-Akirav, Sivan Nir, Meira Polliack, Arik Sadan, Ilana Sasson, David Sklare, Peter Tarras, Alexander Treiger, Frank Weigelt, Vevian Zaki, Marzena Zawanowska.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004347403 : 2213-6401 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2019
Risālat ithbāt al-ʿaql al-mujarrad-i khwāja-yi Nasīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī va shurūḥ-i ān /

: Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī (d. 672/1274) was an influential philosopher, theologian, mathematician and astronomer, besides being the first director of the famous observatory at Marāghah near Tabriz as well as a man of politics. The author of a large number of scholarly works, he is especially famous for such treatises as his Tajrīd al-iʿtiqād on theology; the Zīj-i Īlkhānī on astronomy; the Ḥall mushkilāt al-Ishārāt ; his influential commentary on Avicenna's (428/1037) Kitāb al-ishārāt wal-tanbīhāt on philosophy and logic; and his Akhlāq-i Nāṣirī on ethics. In the brief Arabic treatise that is the subject of this publication, Ṭūsī proves that there is a separate intellect in which all contingent being is semperternally represented, unchanging, as a kind of 'interface' between God and the human mind ( dhihn ). Even though this treatise is extremely short, it certainly had an impact, as is clear from the variety of critical reactions in the commentaries and glosses published alongside it in this volume.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004406292

Akhenaten Talatat Project Conservation

: Talatat blocks, possibly derived from the Arabic word talata meaning “three,” measure roughly three handspans long. Characterized by their Amarna style and smaller size compared to conventional building blocks, they are the result of King Akhenaten’s (1352-1336 BC) goal to urgently erect religious buildings for his “new supreme god” Aten, first in Thebes (ancient Luxor) and later the new city of Akhetaten in Middle Egypt. The talatat blocks were first discovered in the late 19th century and increasingly excavated from then onwards. There are currently approximately 60,000 known blocks, believed to be only a fraction of what exists. The largest repository of talatat blocks resides in the Pennsylvania Magazine in the Karnak Temple complex in Luxor. The Magazine is directly adjacent to the west wall of the Khonsu Temple and stores approximately 16,000 blocks, the majority of which are sandstone (with a few limestone examples). Used to construct temples for the god Aten, the blocks were subsequently dismantled by Akhenaten’s successors, who reused them in other structures. Previously, from the late 1960s to the mid-1970s, the blocks were photographed and documented in situ by Akhenaten Temple Project staff, under the auspices of the Penn Museum (also referred to as the University Museum, Pennsylvania). From 2008 to 2012, the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) Akhenaten Talatat Project Conservation staff cleaned, conserved, photographed, and recorded approximately 16,000 talatat blocks in the Magazine. The blocks had sustained damage which included dangerously leaning stacks; collapsed stacks; dust and bird droppings due to gaps in the roof; hornets’ nests and damage caused by animal burrowing. Matjaž Kačičnik photographed the preliminary conditions of the 28 stacks in the Magazine before project staff proceeded with removing, cleaning, and conserving blocks; some of the shattered blocks were reassembled with steel pins. Documentation included the use of digital photography and database recording. After structural interventions that addressed damage incurred from animal activity and dust accumulation, the blocks were restored in the Pennsylvania Magazine.
: 921pic : Conservation of the Akhenaten Talatat blocks in the Pennsylvania Magazine was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Agreement No. 263-A-00-04-00018-00 under the Egyptian Antiquities Project (EAP), and through the administration and facilitation of the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE).

Published 2012
La raison des signes : présages, rites, destin dans les sociétés de la méditerranée ancienne /

: Comment prévoir l'inconnu et contrôler l'inattendu ? Les Anciens ont tenté de répondre à ces questions en interprétant des signes dans lesquels il reconnaissaient des messages divins. Ce recueil permet de comparer la diversité de leurs questionnements dans les sociétés polythéistes ou monothéistes de la Méditerranée antique. Il interroge premièrement la construction rituelle des signes au sein des institutions divinatoires ; deuxièmement, des phénomènes naturels spontanés, qui, apparus hors de toute institution, ont néanmoins valeur de présages ou d'avertissements ; troisièmement, l'intentionnalité manifestée à travers l'intervention divine dans l'histoire des peuples ou les vies singulières ; quatrièmement, l'épistémologie des signes dans des élaborations philosophiques ou théologiques qui éclairent la tension entre données oraculaires et contrôle ritualisé des signes, entre données révélées et argumentations raisonnées visant à neutraliser les injonctions du destin. How to foresee the unknown and master the unexpected? Ancient people tried to answer those questions by interpreting signs considered as divine messages. In this volume, the writers compare and examine this manifold questioning in the polytheistic and monotheistic societies of the ancient Mediterranean Sea. In the first place, it is shown how signs were ritually constructed within instituted practice of divination ; second, how, although some spontaneous natural phenomena appeared out of any instituted context, may nevertheless constitute omens or monition ; third, how the gods' intervention may reveal a sort of intention in the course of national history or individual life ; finally, the essays study the epistemology of signs at work in some philosophical or theological elaborations, which may enlighten the tension between oracular evidence and ritual control of signs, and between revealed facts and reasoning arguments intending to neutralize the injunctions of the divine.
: Text in French; summaries in English. : 1 online resource (xviii, 626 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004210912 : 0927-7633 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.