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Islamist thinkers in the late Ottoman Empire and early Turkish Republic /
Islamist Thinkers in the Late Ottoman Empire and Early Turkish Republic offers an overview of the lives and ideas of thirteen influential Islamist thinkers. In the aftermath of the 1908 Revolution, Islamism became a prominent political ideology. In their writings, Islamist intellectuals analyzed and sought solutions to the social, economic and political issues of the empire. Their ideas constitute the blueprint for the Islamist-oriented political movements and parties that have been present in Turkish political life since the 1950s. This book is an important contribution to the study of late Ottoman intellectual history and the field of Islamic/Turkish political studies. It makes available in English important primary sources to scholars and students who have no access to these materials in their original languages.
1 online resource (203 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 185-186) and index. :
9789004282407 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The development of domestic space in the Maltese Islands from the late Middle Ages to the second half of the twentieth century /
This study traces and analyses the evolution of domestic space in Maltese vernacular and 'polite' houses from medieval to contemporary times. The houses under review range from humble buildings of modest size, materials, and design, like farmhouses or those for the less affluent towndwellers, to buildings of grand design, like townhouses and palazzi.
Previously issued in print: 2016. :
1 online resource : illustrations (colour) :
Specialized. :
9781784913922 (ebook) :
The development of domestic space in the Maltese Islands from the late Middle Ages to the second half of the twentieth century /
This study traces and analyses the evolution of domestic space in Maltese vernacular and 'polite' houses from medieval to contemporary times. The houses under review range from humble buildings of modest size, materials, and design, like farmhouses or those for the less affluent towndwellers, to buildings of grand design, like townhouses and palazzi.
Previously issued in print: 2016. :
1 online resource : illustrations (colour) :
Specialized. :
9781784913922 (ebook) :
The Library of Aḥmad Pasha al-Jazzār : Book Culture in Late Ottoman Palestine /
This study is the first to examine the history and composition of the library of Aḥmad Pasha al-Jazzār (d. 1804), the famous governor of northern Palestine in the late eighteenth century, on the basis of the inventory of the library's holdings. The chapters in the first volume situate the library, one of the largest in Palestinian history prior to the end of the nineteenth century, in its historical context, examine the materiality of the collection based on a study of the extant manuscripts and other historical sources, and analyse the contents of the library. The second volume consists of a facsimile of the inventory, a critical edition and index.
1 online resource (640 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Mār Ǧirǧis : Naǧʻ bi-Ṣaʻīd Miṣr
أربعة وثلاثون عامًا مضت منذ أن صدرت الطبعة الفرنسية الأولى لهذا الكتاب. النجاح الكبير الذي حققه هذا العمل لنسيم حنين دفع المعهد العلمي الفرنسي للآثار الشرقية لإعادة طبعه طبعة ثالثة. وهنا يقدم المعهد طبعته الأولى باللغة العربية. دراسة ظلت بلا مثيل لنجع بصعيد مصر، بلغ تعداده ٣١٥ فردًا في أوائل سنة ١٩٧٠، كانت كاِكتشاف لريف وفلاحي الصعيد صاغته نظرة مثقف قاهري، «عمل كحِجّ إلى المنابع المصرية الأصيلة والوعي بها» (شارل ڤيال). المسكن، طرق الصيد، الزراعة، الحياة اليومية للأهالي، الملابس، العقائد الدينية، الثقافات الشعبية: نسيم حنين عايش مجتمعًا قرويًا من «المهد إلى اللحد»، اعتنى واهتم وراقب أهم التغيرات، كما في كتاب «وصف مصر» وكتاب «المصريون المحدّثون» لإدوار وليم لين، اللذين قورن بهما الكتاب عند صدوره. الكتاب صار مصدرًا وعلامة هامة في تاريخ ريف مصر الحديث. احتوت الطبعة الثالثة على حوار طويل مع المؤلف ودراسته ومنهجه في تناول المواضيع والظروف التي عايشها بالنجع. عثر المؤلف على فيلم تسجيلي قصير عن النجع أخرجه الأب اليسوعي بول وارن، يمكن مشاهدته على قناة اليوتيوب الخاصة بالمعهد العلمي الفرنسي للآثار الشرقية. وأضيفَ نصٌ بقلم المخرج يفسر فيه تناوله الإثنوغرافي للفيلم وسينما الحقيقة
32, 581 pages, 80 pages of plates : illus in Black ,in col, Maps, plan ; 28 cm. :
Sharḥ al-arbaʿīn /
In the history of Islamic literature, the 'Forty Traditions' genre goes back as far as the 3th/9th century at least and exists in all of Islam's major and minor languages. It finds its origin in the tradition saying that whoever commits forty traditions to memory will be reckoned among the jurists on Resurrection Day. Collections vary, from a simple listing of the basic teachings of Islam to more dedicated works around some specific theme, in either case with or without a commentary. Qāḍī Saʿīd Qumī (d. after 1107/1696) is a Shīʿite philosopher, jurist, physician and mystic of the Safavid period. Having been trained by some of the foremost scholars of his time, he spent most of his active life in Qum, where he divided his time between his judgeship and teaching. The literary, mystical and philosophical explanations in the present, unfinished collection are all written from the viewpoint of the author's own, 'transcendent' metaphysics.
1 online resource. :
Al-Arbaʿīniyyāt li-Kashf anwār al-qudsiyyāt /
In the history of Islamic literature, there is a genre called arbaʿūna ḥadīthan , in which 40 Prophetic traditions are jointly published, mostly with some kind of commentary. The genre finds its origin in the tradition saying that whoever commits forty traditions to memory will be reckoned among the jurists on Resurrection Day. Qāḍī Saʿīd Qumī (d. after 1107/1696) is a Shīʿite philosopher, jurist, physician and mystic of the Safavid period. Having been trained by some of the foremost scholars of his time, he spent most of his active life in Qum, where he divided his time between his judgeship and teaching. In imitation of the forty-traditions genre, Qāḍī Saʿīd wanted to publish a collection of fourty essays, mostly on philosophy and mysticism, as the fruit of his many years of study. In fact, he got no further than ten. Still, this does not detract from their quality, as may be judged from the present edition.
A collection of treatises on various subjects compiled by the author. :
1 online resource. :
Women and Miracle Stories : A Multidisciplinary Exploration /
This book contains a multidisciplinary collection of studies on women in miracle stories found in texts ranging from religious classics to contemporary literary fiction. Miracle stories are a genre of great importance for the study of women's religious inheritance and for the historical and cultural understanding of women as 'makers of faith'. Miracle stories are very generally speaking more open to popular religion and culture than, for instance, doctrinal and official ecclesiastical texts, and as such, they can be of special interest to the study of women's lives and religious aspirations. Remarkably, up till now this genre has not been looked at from this point of view. This book aims to open this field for further research by presenting case studies from diverse angles and disciplines. Some of the questions this book tries to answer are: What do miracle stories specifically tell us about women? Are there some (types of) miracles that are in particular related to (certain groups of) women? What do these stories tell us about women as performers and/or subjects of miracles? What can be said about the social function and religious meaning of miracles by specifically looking at the way certain groups of women are practising and experiencing miracles? By including research on miracle stories in contemporary fiction written by women this book also wants to acknowledge and research the disputed status of 'miracles' as well of 'women' in our present society which is moving from modernity to post-modernity. Please note that Women and Miracle Stories is previously published by Brill in hardback (ISBN 90 04 16681 8, still available).
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047402879 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The island city of Tinnīs : a postmortem /
"On an island in Lake Manzala in the north-east corner of the Nile Delta lie the ruins of the once-prosperous late Roman and medieval port and manufacturing centre of Tell Tinnīs. Although little can be seen above ground, beneath the surface lie archaeological deposits that can be accessed by geophysical and geoarchaeological survey, and remote sensing. In addition, some excavation has taken place, providing evidence for the existence of structures such as cisterns, while ceramics and artefacts from the site's surface provide indications of the lifestyles of the town's occupants and their regional connections. This volume presents the results of archaeological work undertaken at the site between 2004 and 2012, which has produced a relatively detailed impression of the form and nature of the town from its inception around the 3rd century AD to its abandonment in the 13th century in the face of Crusader raids. This new information is discussed in light of the town's relationship to and connectedness with its surrounding landscape, and likewise considers Tinnīs in comparison to contemporary settlements of Egypt's Mediterranean coast"--Page 4 of cover.
xii, 361 pages : color illustrations, color maps ; 33 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages [335]-361) and index. :
9782724707618 :
The city in the Islamic world /
The purpose of this book, is to draw attention to the sites of life, politics and culture where current and past generations of the Islamic world have made their mark. Unlike many previous volumes dealing with the city in the Islamic world, this one has been specially expanded not only to include snapshots of historical fabric but also to deal with the transformation of this fabric into modern and contemporary urban entities.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047442653 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
مؤلّفات يوسف بن حسن بن عبد الهادي ومساهمته في حفظ التّراث الفكريّ : Muʾallafāt Yūsuf b. Ḥasan b. ʿAbd al-Hādī wa-Musāhamatuhu fī Ḥifẓ al-Turāth al-Fikrī /...
On the basis of a newly discovered manuscript this book offers the most comprehensive bibliography of the enormous output of the fifteenth-century scholar Ibn ʿAbd al-Hādī - enlarging our view of his scholarly contribution and correcting numerous mistakes in this regard. This book is thus essential reading for all those interested in the writerly world of Damascus and the scholarly world of the late fifteenth century, especially with regard to the Ḥanbalī tradition and ḥadīth scholarship. In particular, linking the titles of his books with the extant manuscripts in libraries around the world opens new perspectives to these scholarly worlds. At the same time this book offers a new framework to studying social history with reference to documents and the material culture of the book. في اكتشاف جديد لمخطوطة تسمية كتب يوسف بن حسن بن عبد الهادي، يُقدِّم سعيد الجوماني وكونراد هيرشلر أضبط قائمة ببليوغرافية بمؤلفاته الشخصيَّة وبخط يده؛ فنبَّهت هذه القائمة إلى جزءٍ من إنتاجه الفكري كان مجهولاً تماماً، وصححت الكثير من أخطاء القراءة في القوائم السابقة. ونشرها سيدعم الأبحاث العاملة بحقل حركة التأليف بدمشق والحياة الفكريّة فيها نهاية القرن التاسع الهجريّ، خاصّةً ما يتعلق بالتراث الحنبليّ وعلم الحديث. وسيفتح الربط بين المؤلفات المذكورة في تسمية الكتب من جهة ووقف كتب ابن عبد الهادي من جهة ثانية والمخطوطات الموجودة في مكتبات العالم من جهة ثالثة باباً جديداً إلى دراسة التراث الفكري في مدينة دمشق أواخر العهد المملوكي. وتقترح هذه الدراسة إطاراً جديداً لدراسة التاريخ الاجتماعي اعتماداً على الوثائق الشخصيَّة والهيئات الماديّة للمخطوطات الشخصيّة.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Text, context, and performance : Gagauz folk religion in discourse and practice /
Past scholarship on the Gagauz people has focused on their ethnic origins and the tension between their Christian faith and Turkish linguistic identity. This study, based on extensive fieldwork in the Republic of Moldova, approaches the problem of this central dichotomy in Gagauz identity through the lens of daily religious practices. This empirical approach reveals how scholarly discourses on 'folk religion' guide the local fieldworker's identification of what are 'folk' religious practices and thus actualises 'folk religion' in a given context.The book offers a fresh methodological perspective on 'folk religion' as discourse and object of study and is the first monograph in a Western European language on the religion, history and identity of this under-studied European people.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index. :
9789004216341 :
0169-8834 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
An Arabian Princess Between Two Worlds : Memoirs, Letters Home, Sequels to the Memoirs, Syrian Customs and Usages /
Princess Salme, daughter of Sa'id ibn Sultan, ruler of Oman and Zanzibar, was born in Zanzibar on August 30, 1844. In 1866 she fled to Aden where she was baptized with the Christian name Emily and where she married the German merchant Rudolph Heinrich Ruete. In Hamburg three children were born. Her husband died in 1870, and after that she lived in several cities in Germany. In 1885 and again in 1888 she went to Zanzibar. Between 1889 and 1914 she lived in Jaffa and Beirut, and afterwards again in Germany. She died in Jena in 1924. The present work contains a short biography of Princess Salme/Emily Ruete and of her son Rudolph Said-Ruete, a new English translation of her Memoirs , and an English version of her other writings, unpublished so far: Letters Home , Sequels to the Memoirs and Syrian Customs and Usages.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :