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Mār Ǧirǧis : Naǧʻ bi-Ṣaʻīd Miṣr
أربعة وثلاثون عامًا مضت منذ أن صدرت الطبعة الفرنسية الأولى لهذا الكتاب. النجاح الكبير الذي حققه هذا العمل لنسيم حنين دفع المعهد العلمي الفرنسي للآثار الشرقية لإعادة طبعه طبعة ثالثة. وهنا يقدم المعهد طبعته الأولى باللغة العربية. دراسة ظلت بلا مثيل لنجع بصعيد مصر، بلغ تعداده ٣١٥ فردًا في أوائل سنة ١٩٧٠، كانت كاِكتشاف لريف وفلاحي الصعيد صاغته نظرة مثقف قاهري، «عمل كحِجّ إلى المنابع المصرية الأصيلة والوعي بها» (شارل ڤيال). المسكن، طرق الصيد، الزراعة، الحياة اليومية للأهالي، الملابس، العقائد الدينية، الثقافات الشعبية: نسيم حنين عايش مجتمعًا قرويًا من «المهد إلى اللحد»، اعتنى واهتم وراقب أهم التغيرات، كما في كتاب «وصف مصر» وكتاب «المصريون المحدّثون» لإدوار وليم لين، اللذين قورن بهما الكتاب عند صدوره. الكتاب صار مصدرًا وعلامة هامة في تاريخ ريف مصر الحديث. احتوت الطبعة الثالثة على حوار طويل مع المؤلف ودراسته ومنهجه في تناول المواضيع والظروف التي عايشها بالنجع. عثر المؤلف على فيلم تسجيلي قصير عن النجع أخرجه الأب اليسوعي بول وارن، يمكن مشاهدته على قناة اليوتيوب الخاصة بالمعهد العلمي الفرنسي للآثار الشرقية. وأضيفَ نصٌ بقلم المخرج يفسر فيه تناوله الإثنوغرافي للفيلم وسينما الحقيقة
32, 581 pages, 80 pages of plates : illus in Black ,in col, Maps, plan ; 28 cm. :
Newsletter,26 may 1954
’’The 1953-54 season has been the best tourist season in Luxor since the ar, but strangely enough, we have seen fewer Egyptologists than usual. No excavation, went on since the French Institute is still unable to resume, and the Department of Antiquities did no excavating as such. M. Chewierاs work at Karnak was concentrated on removing the mass of fallen blocks up against the west face of the left (north)tower of the Second Pylon. These loose blocks have been entirely removed now and work can begin toward consolidating the tower.
In this mass of blocks M. Chevrier found, for example, blocks with the cartouches of Horemheb which had been recut by Seti و Ramses تد and IV. Also beneath the pile, there was the broken but very nice, nearly life-size, red granite statue presumably of Queen Henuttawy. It had stood literally on the insteps of the colossal standing statue of the High Priest Pinodjem son of Plankh, the parts of which were found last season.
Newsletter,15 may 1951
Since you received my last letter, the American Research Center has become an actuality in Cairo. And you will be pleased to have news of certain important developments on this side.
At the Annual Meeting held on November 21, ل0ك9ا at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, seventy-seven members were present or represented by proxy. Certain amendments to the By-laws in accord with the sense of proposals submitted to you in the notice of the meeting were voted by repealing the old By-laws and inserting in place of them a Code embodying these changes. If you wish, a copy of the amended By-laws will be sent you.
Where dreams may come : incubation sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman world /
Where Dreams May Come was the winner of the 2018 Charles J . Goodwin Award of Merit, awarded by the Society for Classical Studies. In this book, Gil H. Renberg examines the ancient religious phenomenon of "incubation\', the ritual of sleeping at a divinity's sanctuary in order to obtain a prophetic or therapeutic dream. Most prominently associated with the Panhellenic healing god Asklepios, incubation was also practiced at the cult sites of numerous other divinities throughout the Greek world, but it is first known from ancient Near Eastern sources and was established in Pharaonic Egypt by the time of the Macedonian conquest; later, Christian worship came to include similar practices. Renberg's exhaustive study represents the first attempt to collect and analyze the evidence for incubation from Sumerian to Byzantine and Merovingian times, thus making an important contribution to religious history. This set consists of two books.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004330238 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Newsletter, Number 34 (May, 1959)
On Page 3 of Newsletter Number Thirty-two, it was announced by the President that the Center had received an anonymous gift of $10,000 and that this gift had been matched by Mr. and Mrs. John Dimick, who specified that their contribution was to be used for the maintenance of the Center’s office in Cairo.
Since the President gave his report to the Annual Meeting, the same anonymous donor has offered a second gift of $10,000, provided the members of the Center can match it. The Treasurer has just announced that he has received securities from another donor, which has realized the sum of $2,341. 79. This is a long step in the right direction, but the members must be reminded that $7,658. 21 are still needed if we are to receive the promised $10,000.
Newsletter, Number 29 (May, 1958)
It is a pleasure to announce that the fellowships of the Center, made possible by the generous grant of the Bollingen Foundation, have been awarded for the season of 1958-1959 to Dr. John Alden Williams and Dr. Helen J. Wall.
In view of the excellent work done by Dr. Williams during the present season, his fellowship has been renewed, since he wishes to remain in the Near East for another year, in preparation for a post as Assistant Professor in the Institute for Islamic Studies at McGill University, Montreal, where he will assume his duties in the Autumn of 1959, to teach Islamic cultural history and history of art and archaeology. Mr. Williams will travel during the summer in North Africa and will visit Iran, India, and Pakistan before his return to the United States.
New Vocabularies of May Fourth Studies /
Why did the "Shandong Question" vanish in the May Fourth narrative? How did conservatives and traditionalists endure admist the progressive wave of the new culture movement? What role did Confucian ritualism and religion play in shaping May Fourth literature? Is an uncanny connection hidden between "Return Qingdao" and "Liberate Hong Kong"? This volume, edited by Carlos Yu-Kai Lin and Victor H. Mair, and with contributors from across the fields of intellectual history, literature and languages, philosophy, and Asian studies, answers these questions and offers new insights into the May Fourth movement. It explores this pivotal historical event both as a singular occurrence and as a sustaining cultural-intellectual campaign. The new volume is brimming with fresh perspectives, uncovering these enigmas, and unveiling the nuanced and intricate world of the May Fourth to its discening readers.
1 online resource (277 pages) : illustrations. :
Biblical Genealogies: A Form-Critical Analysis, with a Special Focus on Women /
This book is the first comprehensive study completely dedicated to all biblical genealogies. It provides a form-critical analysis of these genealogies and defines basic patterns and deviations. Helpful charts guide you towards the distinctive characteristics of these patterns. The last chapter of the book summarises all genealogical information on women in their different roles as daughters, sisters, and wives. The book includes a short comparison to the presence of women in the genealogies in the Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Biblical Genealogies: A Form-Critical Analysis, with a Special Focus on Women /
This book is the first comprehensive study completely dedicated to all biblical genealogies. It provides a form-critical analysis of these genealogies and defines basic patterns and deviations. Helpful charts guide you towards the distinctive characteristics of these patterns. The last chapter of the book summarises all genealogical information on women in their different roles as daughters, sisters, and wives. The book includes a short comparison to the presence of women in the genealogies in the Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :