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Biblical Genealogies: A Form-Critical Analysis, with a Special Focus on Women /
This book is the first comprehensive study completely dedicated to all biblical genealogies. It provides a form-critical analysis of these genealogies and defines basic patterns and deviations. Helpful charts guide you towards the distinctive characteristics of these patterns. The last chapter of the book summarises all genealogical information on women in their different roles as daughters, sisters, and wives. The book includes a short comparison to the presence of women in the genealogies in the Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Biblical Genealogies: A Form-Critical Analysis, with a Special Focus on Women /
This book is the first comprehensive study completely dedicated to all biblical genealogies. It provides a form-critical analysis of these genealogies and defines basic patterns and deviations. Helpful charts guide you towards the distinctive characteristics of these patterns. The last chapter of the book summarises all genealogical information on women in their different roles as daughters, sisters, and wives. The book includes a short comparison to the presence of women in the genealogies in the Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Ancient art and its commerce in early twentieth-century Europe : the John Marshall Archive : a...
John Marshall (1862-1928) was an antiquities expert hired by the Metropolitan Museum of New York. An attentive observer of the antiquities trade, Marshall's archive, photographs and annotations on more than 1000 objects, shines light on the secretive world of art dealing and how objects arrived at the largest museums of Europe and North America.
Also issued in print: 2022. :
1 online resource (312 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781803272573 (PDF ebook) :
Mār Ǧirǧis : Naǧʻ bi-Ṣaʻīd Miṣr
أربعة وثلاثون عامًا مضت منذ أن صدرت الطبعة الفرنسية الأولى لهذا الكتاب. النجاح الكبير الذي حققه هذا العمل لنسيم حنين دفع المعهد العلمي الفرنسي للآثار الشرقية لإعادة طبعه طبعة ثالثة. وهنا يقدم المعهد طبعته الأولى باللغة العربية. دراسة ظلت بلا مثيل لنجع بصعيد مصر، بلغ تعداده ٣١٥ فردًا في أوائل سنة ١٩٧٠، كانت كاِكتشاف لريف وفلاحي الصعيد صاغته نظرة مثقف قاهري، «عمل كحِجّ إلى المنابع المصرية الأصيلة والوعي بها» (شارل ڤيال). المسكن، طرق الصيد، الزراعة، الحياة اليومية للأهالي، الملابس، العقائد الدينية، الثقافات الشعبية: نسيم حنين عايش مجتمعًا قرويًا من «المهد إلى اللحد»، اعتنى واهتم وراقب أهم التغيرات، كما في كتاب «وصف مصر» وكتاب «المصريون المحدّثون» لإدوار وليم لين، اللذين قورن بهما الكتاب عند صدوره. الكتاب صار مصدرًا وعلامة هامة في تاريخ ريف مصر الحديث. احتوت الطبعة الثالثة على حوار طويل مع المؤلف ودراسته ومنهجه في تناول المواضيع والظروف التي عايشها بالنجع. عثر المؤلف على فيلم تسجيلي قصير عن النجع أخرجه الأب اليسوعي بول وارن، يمكن مشاهدته على قناة اليوتيوب الخاصة بالمعهد العلمي الفرنسي للآثار الشرقية. وأضيفَ نصٌ بقلم المخرج يفسر فيه تناوله الإثنوغرافي للفيلم وسينما الحقيقة
32, 581 pages, 80 pages of plates : illus in Black ,in col, Maps, plan ; 28 cm. :
Great cloister : a lost Canterbury tale : a history of the Canterbury cloister, constructed 1408-14, with some account of the donors and their coats of arms /
Great Cloister presents a new study of the heraldry, genealogy and history of the Canterbury Cathedral cloister. It is a comprehensive study of the monument, and it provides a detailed chronology as well as many new insights into the families who were donors. The monument is revealed to have been the personal project of Archbishop Thomas Arundel (d.1414), an individual closely connected with the overthrow of King Richard II. The work as a whole provides considerable insights into the revolution of 1399 and the troubled reign of Henry IV as seen through the lens of individual families. The cloister, as originally conceived, contained 856 heraldic shields, badges and devices of which 576 were unique. Some 365 families, principalities, religious foundations and other individuals both real and imagined were represented, some with more than one shield or device.
Also issued in print: 2019. :
1 online resource (iv, 694 pages) : illustrations (colour) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781789693324 (PDF ebook) :
Great cloister : a lost Canterbury tale : a history of the Canterbury cloister, constructed 1408-14, with some account of the donors and their coats of arms /
Great Cloister presents a new study of the heraldry, genealogy and history of the Canterbury Cathedral cloister. It is a comprehensive study of the monument, and it provides a detailed chronology as well as many new insights into the families who were donors. The monument is revealed to have been the personal project of Archbishop Thomas Arundel (d.1414), an individual closely connected with the overthrow of King Richard II. The work as a whole provides considerable insights into the revolution of 1399 and the troubled reign of Henry IV as seen through the lens of individual families. The cloister, as originally conceived, contained 856 heraldic shields, badges and devices of which 576 were unique. Some 365 families, principalities, religious foundations and other individuals both real and imagined were represented, some with more than one shield or device.
Also issued in print: 2019. :
1 online resource (iv, 694 pages) : illustrations (colour) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781789693324 (PDF ebook) :