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Land of Dreams : Greek and Latin Studies in Honour of A.H.M. Kessels /
This collection of essays by twenty-eight Dutch scholars is intended as a tribute to prof. dr. A.H.M. Kessels on the occasion of his retirement as professor of Greek Language and Literature at the Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands). It reflects his broad interests in the entire field of classical scholarship, ranging from early Greek poetry to later Latin literature and the reception of classics in modern literature. At the same time, the volume singles out some areas for special interest, notably dreams in classical literature (6 essays), classical drama (7 essays), the reception of Homer (4 essays), Greek literature (5 essays) and Latin literature (6 essays). The collection as a whole may be considered a sampler attesting the breadth and depth of present-day classical scholarship in the Netherlands. With contributions by G.J.M. Bartelink; A.A.R.Bastiaensen; L.J. ter Beek; L. de Blois; J. den Boeft; B.M.C. Breij; J.M. Bremer; J.N. Bremmer; J.H. Brouwers; A.M. van Erp Taalman Kip; A. Harder; A.J.L. van Hooff; P. v.d. Horst; V.J.Chr. Hunink; I.F.J. de Jong; A.P.M.H. Lardinois; E.M. Moormann; A.P. Orbán; M.G.M. van der Poel; R.P. Salomons; D.M. Schenkeveld; W.L.G.M. Slenders; H. van Tress; G.C. Wakker; H.T. Wallinga; J.H. Waszink; M.J.H. van der Weiden.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Raison et révélation en Islam : les voies de la connaissance dans le commentaire coranique de Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (m. 606/1210) /
Dans cet ouvrage, Ahmed Oulddali étudie les idées psychologiques et épistémologiques qui sous-tendent l'exégèse spéculative de Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī. Connu pour être l'un des rares théologiens musulmans à avoir proposé une interprétation philosophique du Coran, Rāzī se révèle ici un penseur novateur, profondément convaincu de la nécessité de prendre appui sur les sciences et les méthodes rationnelles pour appréhender la révélation. Son rejet formel du littéralisme et ses multiples emprunts à la philosophie d'Avicenne apparaissent comme la conséquence d'une conception de la connaissance dans laquelle la raison joue un rôle déterminant. Basée sur une documentation très riche, comprenant de nombreuses sources arabes, la présente étude offre une vue d'ensemble des enjeux philosophiques, théologiques et exégétiques auxquels répond la pensée de Rāzī. In Reason and Revelation in Islam , Ahmed Oulddali presents the psychological and epistemological ideas which underlie Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī's speculative exegesis. Known as one of the few Muslim theologians to have proposed a philosophical interpretation of the Qurʾān, Rāzī appears here as an innovative thinker, deeply convinced of the need to rely on rational methods to understand revelation. His formal rejection of literalism and his multiple borrowings from Avicenna's philosophy are explained as a consequence of a conception of knowledge in which reason plays a decisive role. Richly infused with illustrative texts and original translations from Arab sources, Oulddali's book offers an overview of the philosophical, theological and exegetical issues to which the thinking of Rāzī responds.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Visions, prophecies, and divinations : early modern Messianism and Millenarianism in Iberian America, Spain and Portugal /
Visions, Prophecies and Divinations is an introduction to the vast and complex phenomena of prophecy and vision in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires. This book is dedicated to the study of the millenarian and messianic movements in the early modern Iberian world, and it is one of the first collections of essays on the subject to be published in English. The ten chapters range from the analysis of Mesoamerican and South American indigenous prophetical beliefs to the intellectual history of the Luso-Brazilian Jesuit Antônio Vieira and his project of a Fifth Empire, passing through new approaches to the long-lasting Sebastianist belief and its political implications.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004316454 :
2213-9141 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Sacred text-- sacred space : architectural, spiritual and literary convergences in England and Wales /
This book is not designed to define the sacred. It is, rather, a bringing together of case histories (a rich, varied collection from medieval, early modern and nineteenth-century contexts in England and Wales) that goes beyond familiar paradigms to explore the dynamic, protean interaction, in different times and places, between sacred space and text. Essentially an interdisciplinary enterprise, it focuses a range of historical and critical methodologies on that complex process of transformation and transmission whereby spiritual intuitions, experiences and teachings are made palpable 'in art and architecture, poetry and prayer, in histories, scriptures and liturgies, even landscapes. So the sacred, variously constructed and inscribed, makes itself felt 'on the pulse'; is a presence, a voice even now not stilled.
1 online resource. :
9789004216457 :
1877-3192 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Receptions of antiquity, constructions of gender in European art, 1300-1600 /
Receptions of Antiquity, Constructions of Gender in European Art, 1300-1600 presents scholarship in classical reception at its nexus with art history and gender studies. It considers the ways that artists, patrons, collectors, and viewers in late medieval and early modern Europe used ancient Greek and Roman art, texts, myths, and history to interact with and shape notions of gender. The essays examine Giotto's Arena Chapel frescoes, Michelangelo's Medici Chapel personifications, Giulio Romano's decoration of the Palazzo del Te, and other famous and lesser-known sculptures, paintings, engravings, book illustrations, and domestic objects as well as displays of ancient art. Visual responses to antiquity in this era, the volume demonstrates, bore a complex and significant relationship to the construction of, and challenges to, contemporary gender norms.
1 online resource (XV, 467 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004289697 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Aghlabids and their neighbours : art and material culture in 9th-century North Africa /
The first dynasty to mint gold dinars outside of the Abbasid heartlands, the Aghlabid (r. 800-909) reign in North Africa has largely been neglected in the scholarship of recent decades, despite the canonical status of its monuments and artworks in early Islamic art history. The Aghlabids and their Neighbors focuses new attention on this key dynasty. The essays in this volume, produced by an international group of specialists in history, art and architectural history, archaeology, and numismatics, illuminate the Aghlabid dynasty's interactions with neighbors in the western Mediterranean and its rivals and allies elsewhere, providing a state of the question on early medieval North Africa and revealing the centrality of the dynasty and the region to global economic and political networks.
1 online resource (xxxviii, 688 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004356047 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Kurdish Studies Archive : Vol. 6 No. 1 2018. Special Issue: Women and War in Kurdistan /
Kurdish Studies Archive publishes the content of volumes 1 to 10 of Kurdish Studies . This interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal was dedicated to publishing high-quality research and scholarship. Since 2023 the journal has been continued as the new Kurdish Studies Journal , published by Brill, and focuses on research, scholarship, and debates in the field of Kurdish studies in a multidisciplinary fashion covering a wide range of topics including, but not limited to, economics, history, society, gender, minorities, politics, health, law, environment, language, media, culture, arts, and education.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :