Hoards, grave goods, jewellery : objects in hoards and in burial contexts during the Mongol invasion of Central-Eastern Europe /
This monograph examines one specific hoard horizon, which is connected to the Mongol invasion of Hungary (1241-42). With this catastrophic event, the historical context is both well-known and much discussed by contemporaries and modern scholars. This opportunity to examine material connected to a sole event, but across a broad spectrum of geographical space and social class, is unique for hoard horizons in Hungary, and, for that matter, in Europe. Though this study focuses on hoards connected to the Mongol invasion, it is also relevant beyond this specific context. The work addresses issues concerning hoard finds and material culture, and examines how finds are related when found in different contexts (a hoard, grave, or settlement feature), thus the questions raised and conclusions reached are important for other medieval hoard finds.
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781784912031 (PDF ebook) :
Hoards, grave goods, jewellery : objects in hoards and in burial contexts during the Mongol invasion of Central-Eastern Europe /
This monograph examines one specific hoard horizon, which is connected to the Mongol invasion of Hungary (1241-42). With this catastrophic event, the historical context is both well-known and much discussed by contemporaries and modern scholars. This opportunity to examine material connected to a sole event, but across a broad spectrum of geographical space and social class, is unique for hoard horizons in Hungary, and, for that matter, in Europe. Though this study focuses on hoards connected to the Mongol invasion, it is also relevant beyond this specific context. The work addresses issues concerning hoard finds and material culture, and examines how finds are related when found in different contexts (a hoard, grave, or settlement feature), thus the questions raised and conclusions reached are important for other medieval hoard finds.
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781784912031 (PDF ebook) :
The silent god /
The silence of God is a recurring theme in modern reflection. It is not only addressed in theology, religious studies and philosophy, but also in literary fiction, film and theatre. The authors show that the concept of a silent deity emerged in the ancient Near East (including Greece). What did the Ancients mean when they assumed that under circumstances their deities remained silent? What reasons are discernable for silence between human beings and their gods? For the first time the close interrelation between the divine and the human in the revelatory process is demonstrated here on the basis of a wealth of translated ancient texts. In an intriguing epilogue, the authors explore the theological consequences of what they have found.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004206564 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Stewardship and the kingdom of God : an historical, exegetical, and contextual study of the parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16:1-13 /
The parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16:1-13 is a unity which teaches faithful stewardship of material possession against an eschatological backdrop. This interpretation is confirmed by examination of the pericope itself and progressively wider levels of context within Luke's Gospel. Chapter one provides a history of recent interpretations of the parable (nineteenth and twentieth centuries) as background for the ensuing study. Detailed exegesis of Luke 16:1-13 itself is found in chapter two. The investigation is broadened in chapter three to include the immediate and broader literary contexts (Luke 15-16 and 9:51-19:44, respectively). Chapter four examines the theological context, in particular the themes of riches and poverty and the kingdom of God. Chapter five summarizes the major conclusions of the book. The book is a thorough summary of the literature on the parable, the central section, and the themes of riches and poverty and eschatology in the third Gospel.
Revision of the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa., 1989. :
1 online resource (x, 233 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 219-227) and indexes. :
9789004267046 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Unheard Voice of God : A Pentecostal Hearing of the Book of Judges /
With the wealth of colorful characters described in the book of Judges, scholars and general readers alike have a strong fascination for Israel's leaders in its earliest days. Theologians and biblical scholars from Luther on have found it difficult to relate to these figures. From a Pentecostal point of view, in particular, those characters can sometimes be an embarrassment, as their personal lives appear to be in stark tension with the purity-conscious, holy life to be expected of those touched by the Spirit of God. Apart from the moments of power, where is God in the lives of these characters? As the title suggests, it is time to listen and learn from God's role and perspective in these stories, who in faithfulness to his covenant acts with constant patience to save his flawed servants. Through a fresh hearing of The Unheard Voice of God,/i> the positive message of the book of Judges can become more apparent and accessible. Readers are shown a crucial part of the book's dynamics which they may have missed.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Onomasticon of the Hittite pantheon.
The Onomasticon of the Hittite Pantheon by Ben van Gessel was published in 1998. In three years time the work has established itself as the ultimate comprehensive reference work concerning the Hittite pantheon. With the publication of Part Three, the main work will be made accessible to a wider circle of all those interested in the ancient Near East. Moreover, it will prove to be an indispensable key to the abundance of information until now only to be found scattered throughout the Onomasticon . The easy-reference glossaries contain all the (word )forms quoted from Hittite texts in the Onomasticon . A special feature of these glossaries is that they not only give the (English) meaning of the (word) forms, but that they also indicate, where appropriate, in relation to which deities they may appear. Also of importance are the lists of personal and geographical names and festivals included. Part Three further includes additions resulting from new discoveries and corrections of earlier references in the Onomasticon .
1 online resource (xviii, 406 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004294035 :
0169-9423 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Love, freedom and evil : does authentic love require free will? /
The defining premise of the Relational Free Will Defense is the claim that authentic love requires free will. Many scholars, including Gregory Boyd and Vincent Brümmer, champion this claim. Best-selling books, such as Rob Bell's Love Wins , echo that love "cannot be forced, manipulated, or coerced. It always leaves room for the other to decide." The claim that love requires free will has even found expression in mainstream Hollywood films, including Frailty , Bruce Almighty , and The Adjustment Bureau . The analysis shows convincingly that the claim that authentic love requires free will, does not meet the criteria of consistency, compatibility with Scriptural sources, and the demands of concrete encounter with problems of moral evil.
1 online resource (203 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 187-198) and index. :
9789401200585 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Egyptian predynastic anthropomorphic objects : a study of their function and significance in predynastic burial customs /
Anthropomorphic objects from the Egyptian Predynastic have been a topic of frequent study and debate, from the time they were first excavated until today. These objects, including human figurines, hippopotamus tusks, tag amulets and combs carved with the human image, continue to fascinate and perplex scholars today. Objects such as these form part of the extensive and distinctive iconographic imagery of Predynastic Egypt, and are often interpreted solely in the context of their symbolic or iconographic significance. The aim of this study is to examine these anthropomorphic objects in terms of their original context in order to determine what role they played in Predynastic burials - a useful method, as most of these objects are found in graves.
Previously issued in print: 2018. :
1 online resource (iv, 120 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781784917791 (ebook) :
Egyptian predynastic anthropomorphic objects : a study of their function and significance in predynastic burial customs /
Anthropomorphic objects from the Egyptian Predynastic have been a topic of frequent study and debate, from the time they were first excavated until today. These objects, including human figurines, hippopotamus tusks, tag amulets and combs carved with the human image, continue to fascinate and perplex scholars today. Objects such as these form part of the extensive and distinctive iconographic imagery of Predynastic Egypt, and are often interpreted solely in the context of their symbolic or iconographic significance. The aim of this study is to examine these anthropomorphic objects in terms of their original context in order to determine what role they played in Predynastic burials - a useful method, as most of these objects are found in graves.
Previously issued in print: 2018. :
1 online resource (iv, 120 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781784917791 (ebook) :
Yahweh's coming of age /
In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the deity YHWH is often portrayed as an old man. One of the epithets used of YHWH in the Hebrew Bible, the Ancient of Days, is a source for this depiction of God as elderly. Yet, when we look closely at the early traditions of biblical Israel, we see a different picture : God is relatively youthful, a warrior who defends his people. This book is an examination of the question: How did God become old? The transformation from young deity to Ancient of Days took place at the intersection of two trajectories in the traditions of Israel. One trajectory is reflected in the way that apocalyptic traditions found in the book of Daniel recast the old Canaanite mythic imagery seen in the Ugaritic and early biblical texts. This trajectory allows YHWH to take on qualities, such as old age, that were not associated with him during most of Israel's history but were associated with El in the Canaanite traditions. The second trajectory, a depiction of Israel's God as elderly, is connected with the development of the idea of YHWH as father. The more comfortable the biblical tradents became with portraying YHWH as a father a metaphor that was not embraced in the early traditions the easier it became for the people of Israel to think of YHWH as occupying a stage of the human life cycle.
vii, 163 pages ; 24 cm :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
1575061724 (hardback : alk. paper)
9781575061726 (hardback : alk. paper)
Studies in Early Greek Philosophy, A Collection of Papers and One Review.
The collection of nineteen articles in Jaap Mansfeld's Studies in Early Greek Philosophy span the period from Anaximander to Socrates. Solutions to problems of interpretation are offered through a scrutiny of the sources, and also of the traditions of presentation and reception found in antiquity. Excursions in the history of scholarship help to diagnose discussions of which the primum movens may have been forgotten. General questions are treated, for instance the phenomenon of detheologization in doxographical texts, while problems relating to individual philosophers are also discussed. For example, the history of Anaximander's cosmos, the status of Parmenides' human world, and the reliability of what we know about the soul of Anaximenes, and of what Philoponus tells us about the behaviour of Democritus' atoms.
1 online resource. :
The origins of Ireland's holy wells /
This work re-assesses archaeological research into holy well sites in Ireland and the evidence for votive deposition at watery sites throughout northwest European prehistory. Ray examines a much-ignored and diminishing archaeological resource; moving beyond debates about the possible Celticity of these sites in order to gain a deeper understanding of patterns among sacred watery sites. The text considers how and why sacred springs are archaeologically-resistant sites and what has actually been found at the few excavated in Ireland.
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781784910457 (PDF ebook) :
The origins of Ireland's holy wells /
This work re-assesses archaeological research into holy well sites in Ireland and the evidence for votive deposition at watery sites throughout northwest European prehistory. Ray examines a much-ignored and diminishing archaeological resource; moving beyond debates about the possible Celticity of these sites in order to gain a deeper understanding of patterns among sacred watery sites. The text considers how and why sacred springs are archaeologically-resistant sites and what has actually been found at the few excavated in Ireland.
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781784910457 (PDF ebook) :
Being in America : sixty years of the Metaphysical Society.
Since its founding in 1950, the Metaphysical Society of America has remained a pluralistic community dedicated to rigorous philosophical inquiry into the most basic metaphysical questions. At each year's conference, the presidential address offers original insights into metaphysical questions. Both the insights and the questions are as perennial as they are relevant to contemporary philosophers. This volume collects eighteen of the finest representatives from those presidential addresses, including contributions from George Allan, Richard Bernstein, Norris Clarke, Vincent Colapietro, Frederick Ferré, Jorge J. E. Gracia, Joseph Grange, Marjorie Grene, George Klubertanz, Ivor Leclerc, Ralph McInerny, Ernan McMullin, Joseph Owens, John Herman Randall, Jr., Nicholas Rescher, Stanley Rosen, John E. Smith, and Robert Sokolowski. Also included are Paul Weiss's inaugural address to the Society, an introduction chronicling the history of the Society, and an original Foreword by William Desmond and Epilogue by Robert Neville.
1 online resource (392 pages) :
9789401210737 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The letter of Mara bar Sarapion in context : proceedings of the symposium held at Utrecht University, 10-12 December 2009 /
The Letter of Mara bar Sarapion to his son - preserved in a single Syriac manuscript (7th. century CE) - still speaks to its readers, evocatively depicting the dramatic situation of a nobleman imprisoned after the Roman capture of Samosata, capital of Commagene. The letter is best known today for a passage on the "wise king of the Jews," which may be one of the earliest pagan testimonies concerning Jesus Christ. Ongoing controversy over the letter's date, nature, and purpose has, however, led to the widespread neglect of this intriguing document. In the present volume, Merz and Tieleman have brought together cutting-edge research from an interdisciplinary team of leading experts that significantly advances our appreciation of the letter and its historical context.
1 online resource (xiv, 245 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004233010 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Jesus and his contemporaries : comparative studies /
The first part of this book attempts to situate Jesus in his historical and cultural context through comparisons with the prayers, parables, prophecies, and miracles attributed to various Jewish figures of Palestine who are Jesus' near contemporaries. It is concluded that Jesus' teachings and activities do not represent a radical break with the piety and restorative hopes of many of his contemporaries. This conclusion stands in tension with some of the recent Jesus research, especially emanating from the Jesus Seminar, which tends to view Jesus as a Stoic or Cynic philosopher with little interest in the restoration of Israel and the fulfilment of prophecy. The second part of the book explores the aims of Jesus and the factors that led to Jesus' death. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
1 online resource (xiii, 532 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 461-491) and indexes. :
9789004332782 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The adventure of the illustrious scholar : papers presented to Oscar White Muscarella /
The Adventure of the Illustrious Scholar: Papers Presented to Oscar White Muscarella , edited by Elizabeth Simpson, is a Festschrift celebrating the career of one of the foremost archaeologists of the ancient Near East. Oscar Muscarella is a former curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and a formidable scholar who has excavated at sites in Turkey, Iran, and the United States. He has published eight books and nearly 200 articles, excavation reports, and reviews on topics ranging from the arts of antiquity and the importance of connoisseurship, to the difficulties of dating and the problems of forgeries, the looting of ancient sites, and the antiquities trade. The forty-seven contributors are experts in the areas of Muscarella's interests and are major scholars in their fields. This volume constitutes an unusual, important, and timely addition to the archaeological and art historical literature.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004361713 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The religious aspects of war in the ancient Near East, Greece, and Rome /
The Religious Aspect of Warfare in the Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome is a volume dedicated to investigating the relationship between religion and war in antiquity in minute detail. The nineteen chapters are divided into three groups: the ancient Near East, Greece, and Rome. They are presented in turn and all possible aspects of warfare and its religious connections are investigated. The contributors focus on the theology of war, the role of priests in warfare, natural phenomena as signs for military activity, cruelty, piety, the divinity of humans in specific martial cases, rituals of war, iconographical representations and symbols of war, and even the archaeology of war. As editor Krzysztof Ulanowski invited both well-known specialists such as Robert Parker, Nicholas Sekunda, and Pietro Mander to contribute, as well as many young, talented scholars with fresh ideas. From this polyphony of voices, perspectives and opinions emerges a diverse, but coherent, representation of the complex relationship between religion and war in antiquity.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004324763 :
1566-2055 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The canonical Hebrew Bible : a theology of the Old Testament /
Founded on a lifetime's research and creative thought, this is the crowning work of an internationally celebrated Hebrew Bible/Old Testament scholar. Part I provides an engaging running commentary on the text from a final-form, canonical perspective, and Part II deals with a range of thematic issues, including: creation, covenant and election, the patriarchs, the promised land, torah, cult, Moses, David, Zion, language about God, prophecy, wisdom, Israel's historical consciousness, hermeneutics, Jewish and Christian theology of the Hebrew Bible. It is both an invaluable tool for students and a significant work demanding the attention of professionals.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [757]-781) and indexes. :
9789004397415 :
1566-2101 ;
War, warlords, and interstate relations in the ancient Mediterranean /
During the final four centuries BC, many political and stateless entities of the Mediterranean headed towards anarchy and militarism, while stronger powers -Carthage, the Hellenistic kingdoms and Republican Rome- expanded towards State formation, forceful military structures and empire building. Edited by T. Ñaco del Hoyo and F. López Sánchez, this volume presents the proceedings from an ICREA Conference held in Barcelona (2013), addressing the connection between war, warlords and interstate relations from classical studies and social sciences perspectives. Some twenty scholars from European, Japanese and North American Universities consider the scope of 'multipolarity' and the usefulness of 'warlord', a modern category, in order to feature some ancient military and political leaderships.
Proceedings from an ICREA Conference held in Barcelona (2013). :
1 online resource (xiv, 504 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004354050 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.