موضوعات ذات صلة
Life of Jesus research : an annotated bibliography /
Life of Jesus Research offers students and scholars annotated bibliographies for all of the major areas of critical scholarship in the historical Jesus, providing complete bibliographical information, annotations, and brief introductions to the various subjects. The work is an indispensable tool for research in this important field of study.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004379831 :
Life of Jesus research : an annotated bibliography /
Completely revised and updated, this volume offers annotated bibliographies for all the major areas of critical scholarship in the historical Jesus. Arranged in chronological order and providing complete bibliographical information, brief introductions and indexes, the work is an indispensable tool for research in this important field of study. Besides all scholarly work concerned with the specific problem of the historical Jesus, several related topics are taken into account as well: Demythologization, Criteria of Authenticity, Teaching of Jesus, Jesus' Self-Understanding, Miracles of Jesus, Death of Jesus, Resurrection of Jesus, Lives of Jesus, Jesus and John the Baptist, and Non-Canonical Sources concerning Jesus.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004379930 :
Jesus and his contemporaries : comparative studies /
The first part of this book attempts to situate Jesus in his historical and cultural context through comparisons with the prayers, parables, prophecies, and miracles attributed to various Jewish figures of Palestine who are Jesus' near contemporaries. It is concluded that Jesus' teachings and activities do not represent a radical break with the piety and restorative hopes of many of his contemporaries. This conclusion stands in tension with some of the recent Jesus research, especially emanating from the Jesus Seminar, which tends to view Jesus as a Stoic or Cynic philosopher with little interest in the restoration of Israel and the fulfilment of prophecy. The second part of the book explores the aims of Jesus and the factors that led to Jesus' death. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
1 online resource (xiii, 532 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 461-491) and indexes. :
9789004332782 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A Comparative Handbook to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke : Comparisons with Pseudepigrapha, the Qumran Scrolls, and Rabbinic Literature /
This Handbook provides any commentator - whose purposes might include writing a consecutive treatment of a Gospel, or engaging with episodic themes or passages, or preparing a particular section of the Gospel for study, teaching, or preaching - with resources from the Gospels' Judaic environment that appear useful for understanding the texts themselves. Translation, presentation, comparison with Judaica, and occasional comments are all designed with that end in view. Materials are included from the Pseudepigrapha (together with Philo and Josephus), discoveries related to Qumran, and Rabbinic Literature (inclusive of the Targumim). As in a previous volume that dealt with Mark's Gospel, this Comparative Handbook targets the issue of comparison more than analysis or commentary.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Jesus in context : Temple, purity, and restoration /
The Proclamation of Jesus seeks to place Jesus in the context of first-century Palestinian Judaism. The authors hope to discern the essence of his preaching, his concept of the kingdom of God, and the place of purity in his teaching and activities. Better methods for assessing not simply the authenticity of reported sayings and deeds, but for tracing the development of tradition are considered. The authors are convinced that most of the Synoptic tradition is authentic, but that much of it has been reinterpreted and recontextualized. Herein lies the real challenge for those investigating the historical Jesus. The Proclamation of Jesus opens up new avenues of study and makes new proposals for understanding Jesus in the context of his place and time.
1 online resource (xi, 572 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 501-533) and indexes. :
9789004332478 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The missions of James, Peter, and Paul : tensions in early Christianity /
The Missions of James, Peter, and Paul investigates the nature, diversity, and relationship of three early and important expressions of Judaic Christianity. It is the conviction of the contributors that the Judaic origins of the Christian movement have not been sufficiently understood in both ecclesiastical and academic circles. Comparison with contemporary Judaism is foundational and leads to the question that guides discussion: How did James relate to such prominent figures as Peter and Paul? Given James' own eminence, those relationships must have been hallmarks of his own stance and status, and they open the prospect that we might delineate James' theological perspective more precisely than otherwise possible by means of this contrast with Peter and Paul. That is the reason for the division of the present volume into two parts. The Missions of James, Peter, and Paul is presented in two parts: James and Peter, and James Paul. Several studies investigate the literary and archaeological evidence that clarifies the world in which James, Peter, and Paul lived, while other studies probe exegetical and theological aspects of the discussion.
1 online resource (xiv, 534 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047414742 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Studying the historical Jesus : evaluations of the state of current research /
This volume offers critical assessments of Life of Jesus research in the last generation, with special emphasis on work that is quite recent. It will introduce graduate students to the field and will provide the veteran scholar with current bibliography and discussion of the issues. Topics treated include Jesus and Palestinian politics, Jesus tradition in Paul, Jesus in extracanonical Gospels, and Jesus' parables, miracles, death, and resurrection. The contributors are among the most widely recognized and respected Life of Jesus scholars. They include Marcus J. Borg, James H. Charlesworth, James D.G. Dunn, Sean Freyne, Richard Horsley, and Helmut Koester.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
James the Just and Christian origins /
The lack of serious and sustained investigation of the historical figure of James \'the Just\', brother of Jesus, is one of the curious oversights in modern critical study of Christian origins. James the Just and Christian Origins addresses this problem. The questions that surround this exceedingly important, yet largely ignored figure are several and complicated. Was he really the brother of Jesus? How influential was he in the early church? What was the nature of his relationship to the other apostles, especially to Paul? How did James understand Christianity's relationship to Judaism and to the people of Israel? Out of this grows a very important question: In its generative moment, was Christianity in fact as well as in its self-awareness, a species of Judaism? Contributors from several countries are currently engaged in collaborative study in James and early Jewish Christianity. James the Just and Christian Origins is the first of several planned volumes to be published.
1 online resource (x, 299 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004267480 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Writing and reading the scroll of Isaiah : studies of an interpretive tradition /
The second part of a 2-volume work, this study combines recent approaches that treat the formation and early interpretation of the final form of the book of Isaiah with the more conventional historical-critical methods that treat the use of traditions by Isaiah's authors and editors. Studies investigate Isaiah's use of early sacred tradition, the editing and contextualization of oracles within the Isaianic tradition itself, and the interpretation of the book of Isaiah in later traditions (as seen in the various versions of the text and various communities). Contributors of this volume include virtually all of the major scholars of Isaiah and the leading scholars of biblical interpretation in the intertestamental, New Testament, and early Jewish periods.
1 online resource (vii, pages 478-829) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004275959 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Writing and reading the scroll of Isaiah : studies of an interpretive tradition /
This first part of a 2-volume work, this study combines recent approaches that treat the formation and early interpretation of the final form of the book of Isaiah with the more conventional historical-critical methods that treat the use of traditions by Isaiah's authors and editors. Studies investigate Isaiah's use of early sacred tradition, the editing and contextualization of oracles within the Isaianic tradition itself, and the interpretation of the book of Isaiah in later traditions (as seen in the various versions of the text and various communities). Contributors of this volume include virtually all of the major scholars of Isaiah and the leading scholars of biblical interpretation in the intertestamental, New Testament, and early Jewish periods.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004275942 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The book of Exodus : composition, reception, and interpretation /
Written by leading experts in the field, The Book of Exodus: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation offers a wide-ranging treatment of the main aspects of Exodus. Its twenty-four essays fall under four main sections. The first section contains studies of a more general nature, including the history of Exodus in critical study, Exodus in literary and historical study, as well as the function of Exodus in the Pentateuch. The second section contains commentary on or interpretation of specific passages (or sections) of Exodus, as well as essays on its formation, genres, and themes. The third section contains essays on the textual history and reception of Exodus in Judaism and Christianity. The final section explores the theologies of the book of Exodus.
1 online resource (xx, 669 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004282667 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The book of Genesis : composition, reception, and interpretation /
Written by leading experts in the field, The Book of Genesis: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation offers a wide-ranging treatment of the main aspects of Genesis study. Its twenty-nine essays fall under four main sections. The first section contains studies of a more general nature, including the history of Genesis in critical study, Genesis in literary and historical study, as well as the function of Genesis in the Pentateuch. In the second portion, scholars present commentary on or interpretation of specific passages (or sections) of Genesis, as well as essays on its formation, genres, and themes. The third part includes essays on the textual history and reception of Genesis in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The final section explores the theologies of the book of Genesis, including essays on Genesis and ecology and Genesis in the context of Jewish thought.
1 online resource (xxiii, 763 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004226579 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Nag Hammadi texts and the Bible : a synopsis and index /
This volume places in synoptic form parallel texts from Nag Hammadi and from the Bible. This will enable scholars of Coptic Gnosticism, as well as scholars concerned with early Christian biblical interpretation, to make the comparisons necessary to determine relationships and what dependence, if any, there may be between these two bodies of material. This volume should facilitate the discussion concerning the origin, antiquity, and relationship of Gnosticism to Christianity. The volume also contains an extensive bibliography of materials relevant to this topic. Finally, a Scripture index will make it possible for the reader to find quickly any desired passage.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [425]-466) and indexes. :
9789004379886 :
Synoptikon : Streams of Tradition in Mark, Matthew, and Luke /
The Synoptikon presents the texts of the Synoptic Gospels alongside one another and in relation to their Judaic contexts. Discrete typefaces highlight particular streams of tradition that interacted so as to produce the Gospels. The depth of the Synoptic tradition consequently emerges, as well as its breadth.
This Synoptikon brings together the Synoptic Gospels, freshly translated, comparing them with materials selected from previous volumes in this series. The aim is to serve commentators who engage the Gospels critically and with the awareness that a consideration of their Judaic environments is crucial. Placing the texts within that setting evokes particular streams of tradition that interacted so as to produce the Gospels. These are set out in distinctive typefaces, so that readers may assess the depth of the Synoptic tradition as well as the breadth of its development.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :