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Sharḥ asmāʼ Allāh al-ḥusná lil-Rāzī : wa-huwa al-kitāb al-musammá, Lawāmiʻ al-bayyināt sharḥ asmāʼ Allāh taʻālá wa-al-ṣifāt /

: 368 pages ; 24 cm. : 9777196008

al-Maqṣid al-asná fī sharḥ asmāʼ Allāh al-ḥusná /

: pages ; 24 cm

Published 2019
Sharḥ al-Taʿarruf li-madhhab al-taṣawwuf /

: The Kitāb al-taʿarruf li-madhhab al-taṣawwuf by Abū Bakr b. Isḥāq al-Kalābādhī (d. 380-85/990-995) is one of the most famous early manuals on Sufism. Written in Bukhara under the strongly orthodox Samanids, it consists of four parts: an explanation of the term ṣūfī and a listing of famous Sufis with a typology of their writings, an exposition of the Sufī creed and its conformity with orthodox Islam, an explanation of the spiritual path of the Sufi with accompanying terminology, and a description of Sufi conduct and of their special relation with God. The work saw four commentaries, the present one by Ismāʿīl Mustamlī Būkhārī (d. 434/1043) being one of them. Starting each time with a brief quotation from the original Arabic, the commentary in Persian. This is a facsimile edition of a manuscript from the Bhīravī collection in the National Archives of Pakistan, dated 473/1081. The manuscript is incomplete, with about half of the commentary missing.
: "Nuskhah bargardān bih qaṭʻ-i aṣl-i nuskhah-i khaṭṭī bih shumārah-i 207.1959. M. N. Mūzih-i Millī-i Pākistān (Karāchī), kitābat-i 473 H." : 1 online resource. : 9789004406216

Published 1905
Kitāb Lawāmiʻ al-bayyināt sharḥ asmāʼ Allāh taʻālá wa-al- ṣifāt /

: 267, 4 pages ; 20 cm.

Published 1906
Kitāb al-Maqsạd al-asná : sharh ̣asmāʼ Allāh al-hụsná /

: 88 p. ; 20 cm.

Kitāb Lawāmiʻ al-bayyinat : sharḥ asmāʼ Allāh taʻālá wa-al-ṣifāt /

: 267 pages ; 20 cm.

Published 2019
Rāḥat al-arwāḥ wa-muʾnis al-ashbāḥ : Dar sharḥ-i zindagānī, faḍāyil u muʿjizāt-i aʾimma-yi aṭhār /

: In Islam, Twelver-Shīʿism is based on the claim that the rightful successors to the Prophet were his son-in-law ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib (d. 40/661) and eleven of his descendants through his marriage with Fāṭima, ending with the grand occultation of the twelfth and last imam, Muḥammad al-Mahdī in 329/940. In the centuries following the occultation of the last imam, there emerged a special type of hagiographic literature glorifying the lives and wonders of the Prophet, his daughter Fāṭima, and the twelve infallible imams. The importance of these works was not just informative and apologetic; they also had a didactic side insofar as the imams were regarded as a channel for God's grace to man, it being through them that man could learn how to fulfil God's wish of obeying Him. Composed around 755/1355 for the Sarbadār ruler of Sabzawār by Ḥasan Shīʿī Sabzawārī, this elegantly written Persian volume is a fine specimen of this particular type of writings.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004402188

al-Muqaddimāt al-khams wa-al-ʻishrūn : fī ithbāt wujūd Allāh wa-waḥdānīyatihi wa-tanazzuhihi min an yakūna jism aw qūwah fī jism min Dalālat al-ḥāʼirīn /

: 104 pages ; 24 cm

Published 2018
Essays in contextual theology /

: Essays in Contextual Theology is a collection of essays that reflect on the doing of contextual theology from several perspectives. After a general introductory essay, subsequent essays reflect on topics such as contextual theology and prophetic dialogue, criteria for orthodoxy, the nature of tradition, the role of culture, the dynamics of conversion, and the way theology is being done in World Christianity. The collection closes with an autobiographical essay tracing the author's journey to becoming a "global theologian."
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004363083 : 2452-2953 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Final night : short stories /

: "First published in Arabic in 1974, 1977, 1995, and 1998.
Short stories. : vi, 124 pages ; 21 cm. : 9774247337

Published 2016
Hebrews in contexts /

: Scholars of Hebrews have repeatedly echoed the almost proverbial saying that the book appears to its reader as a "Melchizedekian being without genealogy". For such scholars the aphorism identified prominent traits of Hebrews, its enigma, its otherness, its marginality. Although Franz Overbeck might unintentionally have stimulated such correlations, they do not represent what his dictum originally meant. Writing during the high noon of historicism in 1880, Overbeck lamented a lack of historical context, one that he had deduced on the basis of flawed presuppositions of the ideological frameworks prevalent of his time. His assertion made an impact, and consequently Hebrews was not only "othered" within New Testament scholarship, its context was neglected and by some, even judged as irrelevant altogether. Understandably, the neglect created a deficit keenly felt by more recent scholarship, which has developed a particular interest in Hebrews' contexts. Hebrews in Contexts , edited by Gabriella Gelardini and Harold W. Attridge, is an expression of this interest. It gathers authors who explore extensively on Hebrews' relations to other early traditions and texts (Jewish, Hellenistic, and Roman) in order to map Hebrews' historical, cultural, and religious identity in greater, and perhaps surprising detail.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004311695 : 1871-6636 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2004
The Virgin Goddess, Studies in the Pagan and Christian Roots of Mariology.

: The contemporary search for the feminine face of God is requiring a re-examination of the relationship of Christianity to the pagan world in which it came to birth. Stephen Benko approaches this study as both an historian and a Christian believer. Inquiring into extra-biblical sources of Marian piety, belief and doctrine, he proposes 'that there is a direct line, unbroken and clearly discernible, from the goddess-cults of the ancients to the reverence paid and eventually the cult accorded to the Virgin Mary.' Chapter by chapter he seeks to establish his conclusion that 'in Mariology the Christian genius preserved and transformed some of the best and noblest ideas that paganism developed. Rather than being a 'regression' into Paganism, Mariology is a progression toward a clearer and better understanding of the feminine aspect of the divine and the role of the female in the history of salvation.' This publication has also been published in hardback, please click here for details.
: 1 online resource. : 9789047412588

Published 2011
The silent god /

: The silence of God is a recurring theme in modern reflection. It is not only addressed in theology, religious studies and philosophy, but also in literary fiction, film and theatre. The authors show that the concept of a silent deity emerged in the ancient Near East (including Greece). What did the Ancients mean when they assumed that under circumstances their deities remained silent? What reasons are discernable for silence between human beings and their gods? For the first time the close interrelation between the divine and the human in the revelatory process is demonstrated here on the basis of a wealth of translated ancient texts. In an intriguing epilogue, the authors explore the theological consequences of what they have found.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004206564 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2002
Nature, Man and God in Medieval Islam : Volume One /

: A contemporary to Thomas Aquinas in Latin Catholic Italy, and with a parallel motivation to stabilize each his own civilization in its flux and storm, 'Abd Allah Baydawi of Ilkhan Persia wrote a compact and memorable Arabic Summation of Islamic Natural and Traditional Theology. With the same strokes of his pen he presented the Islamic version of the Science of Theological Statement, bafflingly called "Kalam" while familiarly embracing "Theology". Baydawi's Tawali'al-Anwar min Matal'al-Anzar (Rays of Dawnlight Outstreaming from Far Horizons of Logical Reasoning), with Mahmud Isfahani's commentary, is a formidably clear logical and mental vision of mankind's final completion as a spiritual structure in Islam. Reality - in nature's Possible mode, in an apodictic Divine mode, and in humanity's heroic Prophetic mode - comprises man's Worldview and is the Theme of the Baydawi/Isfahani discourse. The Edifice of Man and Humanity's evanescent Evidence within it are both hugely arresting and moving. The print edition is available as a set of two volumes (9789004121027).
: 1 online resource : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004123816

Published 2008
Aelius Aristides between Greece, Rome, and the gods /

: Wealthy, conceited, hypochondriac (or perhaps just an invalid), obsessively religious, the orator Aelius Aristides (117 to about 180) is not the most attractive figure of his age, but because he is one of the best-known -- and he is intimately known, thanks to his Sacred Tales -- his works are a vital source for the cultural and religious and political history of Greece under the Roman Empire. The papers gathered here, the fruit of a conference held at Columbia in 2007, form the most intense study of Aristides and his context to have been published since the classic work of Charles Behr forty years ago.
: "Papers given at a conference organized ... by the Center for the Ancient Mediterranean at Columbia University on April 13th and 14th, 2007"--Pref. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [295]-317) and index. : 9789047425366 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2011
When the Goddess was a Woman Mahabharata Ethnographies-- Essays by Alf Hiltebeitel. Volume 2.

: Explicitly acknowledging its status as a strī-śūdra-veda (a Veda for women and the downtrodden), the Mahābhārata articulates a promise to bring knowledge of right conduct, fundamental ethical, philosophical, and soteriological teachings, and its own grand narrative to all classes of people and all beings. Hiltebeitel shows how the Mahābhārata has more than lived up to this promise at least on the ground in Indian folk traditions. In this three-part volume, he journeys over the overlapping terrains of the south Indian cults of Draupadī (part I) and Kūttāṇṭavar (part II), to explore how the Mahābhārata continues to be such a vital source of meaning, and, in part III, then connects this vital tradition to wider reflections on prehistory, sacrifice, myth, oral epic, and modern theatre. This two volume edition collects nearly three decades of Alf Hiltebeitel's researches into the Indian epic and religious tradition. The two volumes document Hiltebeitel's longstanding fascination with the Sanskrit epics: volume 1 presents a series of appreciative readings of the Mahābhārata (and to a lesser extent, the Rāmāyaṇa), while volume 2 focuses on what Hiltebeitel has called "the underground Mahābhārata," id est, the Mahābhārata as it is still alive in folk and vernacular traditions. Recently re-edited and with a new set of articles completing a trajectory Hiltebeitel established over 30 years ago, this work constitutes a definitive statement from this major scholar. Comprehensive indices, cross-referencing, and an exhaustive bibliography make it an essential reference work. For more information on the first volume please click here .
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004216228 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
Postcolonial Europe in the crucible of cultures : reckoning with God in a world of conflicts /

: Over the past forty years Europe has grown as a global presence and today it plays an important role in a variety of ways: politically, socially, economically, and culturally. European theologians have no choice but to take cognizance of this fact and respond to the broad social challenges by clarifying their views on God and being a prophetic voice in cultural, political and social decision-making. The authors in this volume take up four main contemporary global challenges, id est globalization, violence, gender, and the environment, and the volume provides its readers with first-rate theological reflections in Europe. The articles offered here are the result of an intensive workshop held in Leuven in September 2004 and are sponsored by the European Commission and the VLIR, as part of a three-year study program on the understanding of God in Europe.
: International conference proceedings. : 1 online resource (253 pages) : 9789401204699 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1981
Die Orientalischen Religionen im Römerreich : (OrRR) /

: 1 online resource (576 pages, [2] folded leaves of plates) : illustrations, 2 folded maps. : Includes bibliographies and indexes. : 9789004295711 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2014
YHWH is king : the development of divine kingship in ancient Israel /

: Amidst various methodologies for the comparative study of the Hebrew Bible, at times the opportunity arises to improve on a method recently introduced into the field. In YHWH is King , Flynn uses the anthropological method of cultural translation to study diachronic change in YHWH's kingship. Here, such change is compared to a similar Babylonian development to Marduk's kingship. Based on that comparison and informed by cultural translation, Flynn discovers that Judahite scribes suppressed the earlier YHWH warrior king and promoted a creator/universal king in order to combat the increasing threat of Neo-Assyrian imperialism. Flynn thus opens the possibility, that Judahite scribes engaged in a cultural translation of Marduk to YHWH, in order to respond to the mounting Neo-Assyrian presence.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004263048 : 0083-5889 ;

Published 2017
Literature and the encounter with immanence /

: In Literature and the Encounter with Immanence Brynnar Swenson collects nine original essays that approach the relationship between literature and immanence through methodologies grounded in the philosophy of Spinoza. One of Spinoza's most provocative claims is a simple declaration of ignorance: "We do not know what a body can do." A literary theory based on immanence privileges the ontological status of the text and the material act of reading. Rather than ask what a text means, the essays here ask what a text can do. Each essay documents a distinct literary and philosophical encounter with immanence and, as a result, opens up a space to read literature as one would read philosophy and vice versa .
: 1 online resource (ix, 192 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004311930 : 0929-8436 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.