To die in style! : the residential lifestyle of feasting and dying In Iron Age, Stamna, Greece /
This volume investigates the culture of feasting and the rituals of death among elite citizens in Iron Age Stamna, Greece, by studying archaeological finds from a large number of Protogeometric era tombs.
Previously issued in print: 2018. :
1 online resource (100 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781784919368 (ebook) :
To die in style! : the residential lifestyle of feasting and dying In Iron Age, Stamna, Greece /
This volume investigates the culture of feasting and the rituals of death among elite citizens in Iron Age Stamna, Greece, by studying archaeological finds from a large number of Protogeometric era tombs.
Previously issued in print: 2018. :
1 online resource (100 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781784919368 (ebook) :
Architectural styles of ancient Alexandria : elements of architectural decoration from Polish excavations at Kom el-Dikka, 1960-1993 /
: Translation of : Style architektoniczne starożytnej Aleksandrii. : 369 pages, 154, [4] pages of plates : illustrations (some color), plan ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9788392231950
Stone trees transplanted? : Central Mexican stelae of the epiclassic and early postclassic and the question of Maya 'influence' /
Stelae dating to the Epiclassic (650-900 CE) and Early Postclassic (950-1150 CE) from Tula, Xochicalco, and other sites in Central Mexico have been presented in the archaeological and art historical literature of the last four decades, when they have been addressed at all, as evidence of classic Maya 'influence' on Central Mexican art during these periods. This book re-evaluates these claims via detailed comparative analysis of the Central Mexican stelae and their claimed Maya counterparts.
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781784910112 (PDF ebook) :