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Kitâb tabakât al-uman = (Livre des catégories des nations) /
At head of title : Sâ'id al-Adalusî.
The compendium known as "Tabakât al-umam" is derived in part from the ancients, or from earlier writers like al-Fărăb̄̌. It is sometimes regarded as a continuation of Ibn Hazm's "Físal," by his disciple, Sâ'id ibn, al-Andalusi, to whom the work is ascribed. Fragments of it were included in the works, of Ibn Sa'ād, 'Alī ibn Mūsā, al-Maghribī, and Ibn al-Kiftī, whose Akhbăr al-hukamā' may be the same work. Cf. Enzyk. d. Islām, IV, page 900, and Asín Palacios, Abenházm de Córdoba, t. 1 (1927) page 285.
The translation follows Cheikho's Arabic text (Beyrouth, 1912). It is based on a manuscript, regarded as complete, in the British Museum, with additions and emendations from two manuscripts in the Bibliothèque nationale. Cf. Beirut. Impr. cath. cat. gén. 1935, page 45, 351.
The translator's "thèse complémentaire"-- Universitairé de Paris. :
191 pages ; 24 cm. :
Bibliography : pages [1]-3.