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Published 1888
Catalogus codicum Arabicorum bibliothecae academiae Lugduno-Batavae, 1 /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004612068

Published 1891
Feestbundel aan Prof. M. J. de Goeje op den 6den Oct. 1891 aangeboden door eenige oud-leerlingen /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004600034

Published 1967
Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum : Indices, Glossarium et Addenda et Emendanda ad Part I-III /

: 1. Abu Ishāk al-Fārisī al- Istakhrī. Viae regnorum descriptio ditionis moslemicae; 2. Ibn ḥauḳal. Opus geographicum; 3. al-Moqaddasi. Descriptio imperii moslemici; 4. Indices, glossarium et addenda et emendanda ad part I-III; 5. Ibn al-Fakīh al-Hamadhānī. Compendium libri Kitāb al-Boldān; 6. Ibn Khordādhbeh. Kitāb al-Masālik wa 'l-Mamālik (Liber viarum et regnorum); 7. Ibn Rosteh. Kitāb al-A'lāk an-Nafīsa VII. - al-Jakūbi . Kitāb al-Boldān; 8. al-Masūdī Kitāb at-Tanbīh wa 'l-Ischrāf. See Less
: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004662681

Published 1886
Mémoires d'histoire et de géographie orientales : No. 1 /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004662742

Published 1865
Historia Khalifatus Omari II, Jazidi II et Hischami /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004600201

Published 1875
Diwan poëtae Abu-'l-Walíd Moslim ibno-'l-Walíd al-Ançárí cognomine Çarío-'l-Ghawání /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004600188

Published 1882
Jacobus Baradaeüs : de stichter der Syrische Monophysietische kerk /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004607545

Published 1927
Viae regnorum /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004600010

Tabarî continuatus : quem edidit, indicibus et glossario instruxit /

: Added title page : Silat tārīkh al-Ṭabari li-Arīb bn Saʻd al-Qurtubī.
Previously published as part of al-Ṭabarī's Tārīkh al-umam wa-al-mulūk. : xxvii, 213 pages ; 25 cm.

Published 1889
Kitâb al-Masâlik waʻl-mamâlik = Liber viarum et regnorum /

: Added t.p.: Kitāb al-masālik wa-al-mamālilk, an ibn Khurradādhbib, "Nubdhah min Kitāb al-kharāj wa-Sanʻat al-kitābah li Abī al-Faraj Jaʻffar ibn Qudāmah al-Kātib al-Baghdādī" (p. [184]-266). Romanized. : xxiii, 308 pages ; 24 cm.

Published 1904
Kitab al-shi`r wa-al-shu`ara' wa-qila tabaqat al-shu`ara' /

: Added t.p.: Liber poesis et poetarum. : liii, 591 pages ; 26 cm.

Published 1967
Kitab al-masalik [wa-] al-mamalik /

: Reprint of the edition published by Brill, Leiden, 1889.
Added t.p.: Kitâb al-masâlik wa'l-mamâlik (Liber viarum et regnorum), auctore Abu 'l-Kâsim Obaidallah ibn Abdallah ibn Khordâdhbeh; et excerpta e Kitâb al-kharâdj, auctore Kodâma ibn Djaʻfar; quae cum versione Gallica edidit, indicibus et glossario instruxit M. J. de Goeje.
"Nubadh min Kitāb al-kharāj, wa-ṣanʻat al-kitābah li-Abī al-Faraj Qudāmah ibn Jaʻfar al-Kātib al-Baghdādī": p. [184]-266. : 308, xxiii, 216 pages ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Description de l'Afrique et de l'Espagne : texte arabe publié pour la première fois d'après les manuscrits de Paris et d'Oxford avec une traduction, des notes et un glossaire par R...

: Réimpression anastatique. : pages ; 24 cm.

Published 1968
Description de l'Afrique et de l'Éspagne /

: Arabic text (242 pages) at end.
Reprint of the 1866 edition. : xxiii, 393,242 pages ; 24 cm.

Published 1968
Description de l'Afrique et de l'Espagne /

: The work from which these extracts are taken is commonly identified by the title: Nuzhat al-mushtāq fī ikhtirāq al-āfāq. : 1 v. (various pagings) ; 23 cm.

Kitāb al-Masālik wa-ʼl-mamālik /

: XXIII, 216, 308 pages ; 24 cm : Includes bibliographical references and index.

Published 1967
A grammar of the Arabic language /

: Translation of : Grammatica Arabica. : xviii, 317, xx, 450 pages : tables ; 21 cm.

Published 1896
A grammar of the Arabic language /

: Translation of Grammatica Arabica. : 2 volumes in 1 (xviii, 317 ; xiv, 450 pages) ; 23 cm.

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