Maimonides' On coitus
Moses Maimonides' On Coitus was composed at the request of an unknown high-ranking official who asked for a regimen that would be easy to adhere to, and that would increase his sexual potency, as he had a large number of slave girls. It is safe to assume that it was popular in Jewish and non-Je...
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, , , ,Format: eBook
Church Slavic
Leiden ; Boston :
The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2019, ISBN: 9789004386341.
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Call Number: RA788
- Front Matter
- Copyright Page /
- Gerrit Bos
- Preface /
- Gerrit Bos
- Introduction /
- Gerrit Bos
- Sigla and Abbreviations /
- Gerrit Bos
- Arabic Text and Translation /
- Gerrit Bos
- On Coitus: Arabic Text with English Translation /
- Gerrit Bos
- Hebrew Translations and Supplements /
- Gerrit Bos
- On Coitus: First Hebrew Translation (Anonymous) /
- Gerrit Bos
- On Coitus: Second Hebrew Translation (Anonymous) /
- Gerrit Bos
- On Coitus: Third Hebrew Translation (Zeraḥyah Ben Isaac Ben Sheʾaltiel Ḥen) /
- Gerrit Bos
- Supplement 1: Critical Comparison of the Arabic Text with the Medieval Hebrew Translations and the Modern Translations into English /
- Gerrit Bos
- Supplement 2: Notes to the Anonymous Hebrew Translation I and Zeraḥyah's Hebrew Translation (= Z) /
- Gerrit Bos
- Latin Translations /
- Gerrit Bos
- Introduction to the Latin Translations of Maimonides' On Coitus (On Sexual Intercourse) /
- Charles Burnett
- On Coitus: Two Latin Translations /
- Charles Burnett
- Slavonic Translation /
- Gerrit Bos
- Introduction to the East Slavonic Translation of Maimonides On Coitus /
- W.F. Ryan and Moshe Taube
- On Coitus: East Slavonic Text with English Translation /
- W.F. Ryan and Moshe Taube
- Back Matter
- Glossary /
- Gerrit Bos
- Bibliography /
- Gerrit Bos
- Index of the First Hebrew Translation (Anonymous) /
- Gerrit Bos
- Index of the Second Hebrew Translation (Anonymous) /
- Gerrit Bos
- Index of the Third Hebrew Translation (Zeraḥyah Ben Isaac Ben Sheʾaltiel Ḥen) /
- Gerrit Bos
- Index of the Latin Translations /
- Gerrit Bos
- Index of the Slavonic Translation /
- Gerrit Bos
- Index of Technical Terms and Materia Medica /
- Gerrit Bos.