The heritage of Arabo-Islamic learning : studies presented to Wadad Kadi /
The Arabo-Islamic heritage of the Islam is among the richest, most diverse, and longest-lasting literary traditions in the world. Born from a culture and religion that valued teaching, Arabo-Islamic learning spread from the seventh century and has had a lasting impact until the present.In The Herita...
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, ,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Islamic History and Civilization
Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2016, ISBN: 9789004303935.
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Call Number: DS35.62 .H47 2016
- Front Matter /
- Maurice A. Pomerantz and Aram A. Shahin
- The Meccan Prison of ʿAbdallāh born al-Zubayr and the Imprisonment of Muḥammad born al-Ḥanafiyya /
- Sean W. Anthony
- Fragments of Three Umayyad Official Documents /
- Fred M. Donner
- Single Isnāds or Riwāyas? Quoted Books in Ibn ʿAsākir's Tarjama of Tamīm al-Dārī /
- Jens Scheiner
- Friendship in the Service of Governance: Makārim al-Akhlāq in Abbasid Political Culture /
- Paul L. Heck
- Prinzen, Prinzessinnen, Konkubinen und Eunuchen am fatimidischen Hof /
- Heinz Halm
- A New Latin-Arabic Document from Norman Sicily (November 595 H/1198CE) /
- Nadia Jamil and Jeremy Johns
- The Rhetorical Qurʾān or Orality as a Theologumenon /
- Angelika Neuwirth
- The "Shearing of Forelocks" as a Penitential Rite /
- Marion Holmes Katz
- Authority in Ibn Abī Zayd al-Qayrawānī's Kitāb al-nawādir wa-l-ziyādāt ʿalā mā fī l-Mudawwana min ghayrihā min al-ummahāt: "The Chapter of Judgments" (Kitāb al-aqḍiya) /
- Mohammad Fadel
- A Segment of the Genealogy of Sunni Ḥadīth Criticism: The Mysterious Relationship between al-Khaṭīb al-Baghdādī and al-Ḥākim al-Naysābūrī /
- Jonathan Brown
- Al-Ḥākim al-Naysābūrī and the Companions of the Prophet: An Original Sunnī Voice in the Shīʿī Century /
- Scott C. Lucas
- Ibn Rushd and Thomas Aquinas on Education /
- Sebastian Günther
- Teaching the Learned: Jalāl al-Dīn al-Dawānī's Ijāza to Muʾayyadzāda ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Efendi and the Circulation of Knowledge between Fārs and the Ottoman Empire at the Turn of the Sixteenth Century /
- Judith Pfeiffer
- Scholars in Networks: ʿAbd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī and His Travels /
- John O. Voll
- Rhetorics of Revival: al-Ghazālī and His Modern Heirs /
- Kenneth Garden
- Grammarians on the Afʿāl al-Muqāraba: Steps in the Sources towards a Subdivision of Operants /
- Ramzi Baalbaki
- Reflections on the Lives and Deaths of Two Umayyad Poets: Laylā al-Akhyaliyya and Tawba born al-Ḥumayyir /
- Aram A. Shahin
- Literature and Thought: Re-reading al-Tawḥīdī's Transcription of the Debate between Logic and Grammar /
- Wen-chin Ouyang
- The Play of Genre: A Maqāma of "Ease after Hardship" from the Eighth/Fourteenth Century and Its Literary Context /
- Maurice A. Pomerantz
- What's in a Mamluk Picture? The Hall of Portraiture at the Cairo Citadel Remembered /
- Li Guo
- In Defense of the Use of Qurʾān in Adab: Ibn Abī l-Luṭf's Rafʿ al-iltibās ʿan munkir al-iqtibās /
- Bilal Orfali
- Modes of Existence of the Poetry in the Arabian Nights /
- Wolfhart Heinrichs
- Modern Arabic Literature and Islam /
- Stefan Wild
- Abraham and the Sacrificial Son: Transtextual Strategies in José Saramago's The Gospel According to Jesus Christ and Elias Khoury's As Though She Were Sleeping /
- Maher Jarrar
- The Ideological and Epistemological: Contemporary Readings in Arabo-Islamic Classical Heritage (Turāth) /
- Riḍwān al-Sayyid
- Indexes /
- Maurice A. Pomerantz and Aram A. Shahin.