Proceedings of the 14th International Conference for Nubian Studies, Paris 2018 /
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Language: English
Le Caire :
Institut français d’archéologie orientale,
Kush ;
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Call Number: DT159.6 .N83 I5 2018 v.1-2
- Volume 1. Main papers. The archaeology of Eastern Sudan and the history of the Middle Nile Valley : issues and perspectives by Andrea Manzo
- Pharaonic presences in the Batn al-Hajar / by David N. Edwards
- The 25th Dynasty story : recent progresses & perspectives / by Frédéric Payraudeau
- Wall inscriptions in the Upper Church at Banganarti : the "epigraphic habit" in Late Christian Nubia / by Adam Łajtar
- Prehistory. Late/final neolithic occupations at the southwestern desert, Egypt : the megalithic ceremonial practices / by Hebatallah A.A. Ibrahim, Maciej Jórdeczka
- Prehistoric occupation of Jebel Sabaloka / by Lenka Vladislav Varadzinová, Elena A.A. Garcea, Katarina Kapustka, Jan Pacina
- Tethering stones in El Ga'ab Depression, Western Sahara (Sudan) : morphometric analysis and landscape archaeology / by Yahia Fadl Tahir
- Kerma & Egypt in Nubia. Kerma amulets : iconography and manufacture techniques / by Elena D'Itria
- Nubian ascendancy in the Middle Kingdom : exploring the foundations of Kushite rule during the Second Intermediate Period / by Salim Faraji
- Style and identity symbols : an attempt to define the social meaning of the Kerma funerary fineware and its decorations / by Matthieu Honegger
- Connecting the pieces : reassessing classic Kerma art through digital reconstructions of collections in Boston and Khartoum / by Elizabeth Minor
- Mummy masks and coffins from Mirgissa : Sudan National Museum of Khartoum / by Patricia Rigault-Déon
- C-Group chronology : time to recalibrate? : case study of "C-Group jars" and reflections on regional sequences of C-Group funerary material / by Uffe Steffensen
- Napata & 25th Dynasty. "Nom de guere" or misnomer? : brief considerations regarding the titularies of Amonnote-erike / by Elizabeth Eltze
- Barkal West Group : recent interventions in the pyramid Bar. 26 / by Montserrat Díaz-de-Cerio, Ignasi Baches
- Negotiated identity of Kushite kings in Osirian chapels in Karnak : Taharqo in the chapel of Osiris Neb-ankh/Pa-wesheb-iad and the meaning of the double uraeus / by Aleksandra Hallmann
- The edifice of Taharqa at Karnak : a preliminary study of the scattered blocks / by Jérémy Hourdin
- The colonnades of Taharqo in Karnak : the mediality of legitimation / by Angelika Lohwasser
- Tomb of Karabasken (TT 391) in the south Asasif necropolis : El-Kurru in Thebes / by Elena Pischikova
- Volume 2. Meroe. Secular storage facilities during the Meroitic Period / by Gabrielle Choimet
- Natakamani Palace at Jebel Barkal : old information and news on B1500 / by Emanuele M. Ciampini
- Meroitic archer's rings. Part II, iconography and typology / by Faïza Drici, Tsubasa Sakamoto
- Amanishakheto in Meroitic royal texts / by Gilda Ferrandino
- Nubian riches : gold and snakes of Queen Amanishakheto of Meroe : initial results of a multidisciplinary project / by Jana Helmbold-Doyé, Iris Hertel
- The external relations of Wad Ben Naga : as seen from the perspective of the pottery finds / by Jiří Honzl
- The temple of Natakamani at Aby Erteila : excavations 2016-2018 / by Elonora Kormysheva
- The goddess and the queen : the goddess Amesmi in Queen Amanishakheto's treasure / by Camille Labia
- The palace of Muweis : the early Meroitic levels / by Marc Maillot
- Naga project : new structures of Meroitic temple architecture / by Christian Perzlmeier, Arnulf Schlüter
- A relief from the temple of Amun at Meroe showing Natakamani an dAmanitore : comments on photograph M 328 in the Garstang archive / by Aminata Sackho-Autisier
- Control and order in the palace economy : the collection of sealings from the palace of Amanishakheto at Wad Ben Naga / by Vlastimil Vrtal
- Late antique and medieval periods. El Tuweina : a settlement site in the central Bayuda / by Jana Eger, Tim Karberg
- The Apostolic College in Egyptian art compared with Nubian wall painting / by Magdalena Łaptaś
- First contacts between Islam and Nubia : a reassessment / by Artur Obłuski
- In the temple at Dangeil : unusual medieval graves endowed with rich grave goods / by Anna Pieri, Katarzyna Solarska, Mohamed Saad
- Two kings for one throne? : a problem of late medieval Nubian chronology (ca. 1280-1311) / by Robin Seignobos
- Nubia in the late antique world trade network : south Indian/Sri Lankan glass bead evidence / by Joanna Then-Obłuska, Barbara Wagner
- Archangel Michael in Nubia : sources about his cult and persona / by Alexandros Tsakos
- Revisiting John of Ephesus : considerations of Nubia's doctrinal positioning through the prism of the region's political correlations and archaeological evidence / by Effrosyni Zacharopoulou
- All roads lead to Raphaelion : origin and development of a Nubian pilgrimage site at Banganarti / by Bogdan Żurawski
- Survey, site management, cultural heritage & museums. Mahdist banners in the Khalifa House and the British Museum / by Julie R. Anderson
- Endangered toponymy : its relevance to the history and living heritage in Nubia / by Herman Bell
- Fusion and splitting of living space : vernacular patterns and socio-cultural relationships in Omdurman between the 19th and 20th centuries / by Marina d'Errico
- Excavating Nubia in museums : 2014-2018 update / by Maria Constanza De Simone
- Managing the Christian archaeological heritage of the Sudan / by Mohamed Ahmed Abdelmageed
- Visiting Nubian temples in 1851 : Felix Teynard's calotypes plates / by Nathalie Kayser-Lienhard
- Archaeological survey in El-Gibalab village : Shendi Reach / by Nada Babiker Mohammed Ibrahim
- Designation of the cultures and inhabitants of ancient Nubia prior to 550 AD : a call to avoid using the adjective "Nubian" / by Samia Dafa'alla
- Sudanese archaeology in Japan : some thoughts and reflections / by Naoyo H. Sekihiro
- Frankincense, myrrh, incense & aromatic plants through time : from pre-Kerma to the present / by Shadia Taha
- Workshops. "Diffusionist" suggestions in the Nile Valley prehistory : workshop 1 / coordinators: Donatella Usai, Friederike Jesse
- Sudan, Thebes, Egypt : crossing cultural and artistic influences aroud the Kushite dominion over Egypt : workshop 2 / coordinators: Frédéric Payraudeau, Raphaële Meffre
- The classification of Meroitic ceramics : workshop 3 / coordinators: Romain David, Jacke Phillips
- Répertoire d'Iconographie Méroïtique : workshop 4 / coordinators: Vincent Rondot, Elsa Yvanez.