Indigeneity on the Oceanic Stage : Intimations of the Local in a Globalised World /
This volume examines how Indigenous theatre and performance from Oceania has responded to the intensification of globalisation from the turn of the 20th to the 21st centuries. It foregrounds a relational approach to the study of Indigenous texts, thus echoing what scholars such as Tui Nicola Clery h...
Other Authors:
,Format: eBook
Language: English
Leiden ; Boston :
Cross/Cultures ;
Literature and Cultural Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2025.
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Call Number: PN3030
- Acknowledgments
- List of Figures
- Notes on Contributors
- Statement of Editorial Policy
- Introduction: Staging Local Indigenous Cultures in a Globalised Oceania
- Marc Maufort and David O'donnell
- 1 Taenga Mai/The Arrival: Acts of Remembering and Resistance at Aotearoa's Border
- Nicola Hyland
- 2 "There's a Gap Here": Thoughts on Four Plays that Helped Invent Māori Playwriting in Aotearoa
- Murray Edmond
- 3 Creating New Star-Paths to Traverse Disciplinary Territories
- Hilary Halba, Rua McCallum and David O'donnell
- 4 Bridging the Global Live Performance Marketplace: The Modern Māori Quartet
- James Wenley
- 5 F*ck it Up Sis: Representation and Agency in the Work of fafswag
- Sean Coyle
- 6 "The Trauma of Return" - Māori Battalion Narratives in the Theatre of Aotearoa
- David O'donnell
- 7 Kūkulu o Kahiki: Kanaka Maoli Narratives and Performance Rooted in Oceania
- Tammy Haili'ōpua Baker
- 8 Preserving Indigenous Identities in a Globalised World: The Magical Realist Vision of Tammy Hailiʻōpua Baker and Albert Wendt
- Marc Maufort
- 9 School Theatre Productions in Rapa Nui as Community Responses to Globalisation: Performances of 'A'amu Tuai at Aldea Educativa Hoŋa'a o te Mana
- Moira Fortin Cornejo
- 10 (Re)positioning an Indigenous Standpoint in Theatre Making Practices
- Liza-Mare Syron
- 11 Saibai Island Ancestral Performative Knowledge: Centring Body, Experiences and Associated Knowledge in the Twenty-First Century
- Margaret Harvey
- Index.