Maimonides, Commentary on Hippocrates' Aphorisms : a new parallel Arabic-English edition and translation, with critical editions of the medieval Hebrew translations /
Hippocrates' Aphorisms enjoyed great popularity in the ancient and medieval world and, according to Maimonides, it was Hippocrates' most useful work as it contained aphorisms, which every physician should know by heart. They were translated into Hebrew several times, but it was Maimonides' Commentary on Hippocrates' Aphorisms that made the work influential in Jewish circles. For the composition of his commentary, Maimonides consulted the Aphorisms through the commentary by Galen, translated by Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq. This edition of Maimonides' Arabic commentary and its Hebrew translations, the first with an English translation based on the Arabic text, is part of a project undertaken by Gerrit Bos to critically edit Maimonides' medical works.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Maimonides' On coitus
Moses Maimonides' On Coitus was composed at the request of an unknown high-ranking official who asked for a regimen that would be easy to adhere to, and that would increase his sexual potency, as he had a large number of slave girls. It is safe to assume that it was popular in Jewish and non-Jewish circles, as it survives in several manuscripts, both in Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic. The present edition by Gerrit Bos contains the original Arabic text, three medieval Hebrew translations, two Latin versions from the same translation (edited by Charles Burnett), and a Slavonic translation (edited by Will Ryan and Moshe Taube).
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004380080 :
2589-6946 ;
Maimonides, Medical Aphorisms, Hebrew Translation by R. Zeraḥyah ben Isaac ben Sheʾaltiel Ḥen /
The original Arabic text of Maimonides' major medical work, Medical Aphorisms, was critically edited and translated into English by Gerrit Bos in the years 2004-2017, and published in earlier volumes of the book series The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides. The present work is the first critical edition of the medieval Hebrew translation by R. Zeraḥyah ben Isaac ben Sheʾaltiel Ḥen. Zeraḥyah, active as a translator in Rome from 1277 to 1291, was not only known for his translations of Maimonides' medical works, but also for his translations of medical works by Galen and Ibn Sīnā, and for his philosophical works by Aristotle and Averroes. Zeraḥyah's unique Hebrew translation adheres closely to Maimonides' Arabic text and contains many Italian and Latin loanwords.
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On the elucidation of some symptoms and the response to them : (formerly known as On the causes of symptoms) /
The present consilium, commonly known as De causis accidentium, after the Latin translation by John de Capua, was, like the earlier consilium On the Regimen of Health, composed by Maimonides at the request of al-Malik al-Afḍal Nūr al-Dīn Alī, Saladin's eldest son. As a result of not adopting the lifestyle and dietary recommendations in On the Regimen of Health, al-Afḍal may have continued to suffer from a number of afflictions, amongst them hemorrhoids, depression, constipation, and, possibly, a heart condition. The consilium was written after 1200, the year in which al-Afḍal was deposed and banished from Egypt permanently, but probably not long before 1204, the year in which Maimonides died.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Maimonides on the regimen of health : a new parallel Arabic-English translation /
Maimonides' On the Regimen of Health was composed at an unknown date at the request of al-Malik al-Afḍal Nūr al-Dīn Alī, Saladin's eldest son who complained of constipation, indigestion, and depression. The treatise must have enjoyed great popularity in Jewish circles, as it was translated three times into Hebrew as far as we know; by Moses ben Samuel ibn Tibbon in the year 1244, by an anonymous translator, and by Zeraḥyah ben Isaac ben She'altiel Ḥen who was active as a translator in Rome between 1277 and 1291. The present edition by Gerrit Bos contains the original Arabic text, the medieval Hebrew translations and the Latin translations, the latter edited by Michael McVaugh.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Maimonides, Commentary on Hippocrates' Aphorisms Volume 2 : A New Parallel Arabic-English Edition and Translation, with Critical Editions of the Medieval Hebrew Translations /
Hippocrates' Aphorisms enjoyed great popularity in the ancient and medieval world and, according to Maimonides, it was Hippocrates' most useful work as it contained aphorisms, which every physician should know by heart. They were translated into Hebrew several times, but it was Maimonides' Commentary on Hippocrates' Aphorisms that made the work influential in Jewish circles. For the composition of his commentary, Maimonides consulted the Aphorisms through the commentary by Galen, translated by Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq. This edition of Maimonides' Arabic commentary and its Hebrew translations, the first with an English translation based on the Arabic text, is part of a project undertaken by Gerrit Bos to critically edit Maimonides' medical works.
1 online resource. :
Maimonides, Medical Aphorisms, Hebrew Translation by Nathan ha-Meʾati /
The original Arabic text of Maimonides' major medical work, Medical Aphorisms, was critically edited and translated into English by Gerrit Bos in the years 2004-2017, and published in earlier volumes of the book series The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides. The present work is a new critical edition of the medieval Hebrew translation by Nathan ha-Meʾati, who was active as a translator of scientific texts in Rome in the late thirteenth century, where his colleague Zeraḥyah Ḥen had completed a translation of the same Maimonidean text in 1277, only a few years earlier. Nathan aimed to provide the general reader with a translation that was easier to understand than Zeraḥyah's translation. The present critical edition of Nathan's translation is primarily based on MS Paris, BN, héb. 1174, and not on MS Paris, BN, héb. 1173, used by Suessmann Muntner for his edition in 1959, as this copy suffers from many mistakes and corruptions.
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Maimonides, Medical Aphorisms: Glossary & Indexes /
As an important addition to the critical editions of the original Arabic text and medieval Hebrew translations of Maimonides' Medical Aphorisms , Gerrit Bos offers an Arabic-Hebrew-English glossary of 5,600 technical terms and materia medica along with Hebrew indexes.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :